Search Results for: Geology

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7,733 results
  1. Continental Hearts

    Ancient expanses called cratons pose a geological puzzle

  2. Earth

    Warm spell spurred tropical biodiversity

    The number of plant species exploded in South America as atmospheric carbon dioxide, and temperatures, rose abruptly about 56 million years ago.

  3. Basic research generates jobs and competitiveness

    Trained as a mechanical engineer in India, Subra Suresh researched the interfaces between engineering, biology and materials science before becoming dean of engineering at MIT and, as of October, director of the U.S. National Science Foundation. In February in Washington, D.C., at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Suresh […]

  4. Humans

    Collapsing Coastlines

    How Arctic shores are pulled a-sea 

  5. Life


    A spider that's drawn to smelly socks, plus more in this week's news

  6. Life

    Helping Bats Hold On

    Scientists seek a savior as a deadly fungal pandemic explodes through vulnerable colonies.

  7. Into orbit

    MESSENGER pays a yearlong visit to Mercury.

  8. Earth

    Seismologists rumble over quake clusters

    Japan tremor may be part of a second grouping of great quakes since 1900, some scientists say.

  9. Paleontology

    Early meat-eating dinosaur unearthed

    Pint-sized, two-legged runner from Argentina dates back to the dawn of the dinos, 230 million years ago.

  10. Over the Coasts: An Aerial View of Geology by Michael Collier

    Review by Sid Perkins.

  11. Earth

    Geomagnetic field flip-flops in a flash

    Rocks in Nevada preserve evidence of superfast changes in Earth’s magnetic polarity.

  12. Space

    Mars shows signs of recent activity

    The surface of Mars had abundant liquid water as well as volcanic activity during the past 100 million years, a new study of the Martian atmosphere suggests.
