Search Results for: Robotics

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1,529 results
  1. Humans

    Science Derby: Student research and inventions nab awards

    On May 12, more than 1,200 high school students came to Louisville, Ky., to vie for more than $3 million in scholarships and prizes at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair.

  2. Astronomy

    Telescope Tuned Up: Back to work for orbiting observatory

    A rejuvenated Hubble Space Telescope floated away from the space shuttle Columbia on March 9 after astronauts spent a week renovating the observatory.

  3. 18954

    I was surprised that the article “Dances with robots,” while mentioning Robert Heinlein’s Starship Troopers (1959, Putnam), should speak of “master-slave telerobotic devices.” As any fan of the dean of science fiction knows, these devices are most properly called Waldos. Mark Sicking Spring Shadow, Conn. I am reading Science News on this anniversary of our […]

  4. Astronomy

    Ambitious Mission: Hubble slated to get one heckuva tune-up

    If all goes according to plan, astronauts aboard the space shuttle Columbia will embark on the fourth and most technically challenging mission to replace damaged parts and install new detectors on the Hubble Space Telescope.

  5. Materials Science

    Materials with Memory

    Metal alloys and polymers that can remember a preprogrammed shape may literally reshape technologies ranging from warfare to medicine and car repair.

  6. Earth

    Ocean View

    Ocean observatories have revealed unexpected discoveries, and now scientists want to widen the lens.

  7. Tech

    Hop . . . Hop . . . Hopbots!

    Two prototype jumping robots that hop, crash-and-land, and then hop again are demonstrating a novel mobility concept that may finally enable small, cheap robots to roam widely over rough terrain.

  8. Insects deploy sticky feet with precision

    Sticky ant and bee footpads retract and unfold in time with insect steps, so the insects don't trip over their own sticky feet.

  9. Tech

    Nervy chip may open window into brain

    Researchers have built a simple circuit that blends living neurons with silicon-based transistors.

  10. Save Our Sounds

    Some 14 libraries around the world have built up substantial collections of natural sounds, from bird songs to fish hums.

  11. Astronomy

    Bow-wowing them with radar

    The sharpest radar image ever of an asteroid shows features on 1999 KW4 as small as 7.5 meters—about the length of a stretch limo.

  12. Physics

    Pitching Science

    A new computer model of baseball pitching helps give pitching robots humanlike abilities and may have enabled engineers to solve a half-century-old puzzle of baseball science.
