Search Results for: Geology

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7,733 results
  1. Humans

    Just breathing in Iraq can be hazardous

    Poor air quality is an added danger for troops, testing indicates.

  2. Science From On High

    Google Earth gives researchers new access.

  3. Chemistry

    Molecules/Matter & Energy

    A new class of materials could boost wireless power transmission, plus more in this week’s news

  4. Life

    Fungus strikes but doesn’t kill European bats

    Organism that is devastating North American populations might have coevolved with hosts overseas.

  5. Earth

    Major earthquakes not linked

    Global seismic risks don’t rise following big events, scientists say.

  6. Planetary Science

    New rock type found on moon

    Odd spots on the lunar farside could be ancient material that originated deep inside the moon.

  7. Earth

    How continents do the splits

    East African seismic study reveals how land gives way to ocean crust.

  8. Earth

    Great quake one of the biggest ever in Japan

    BLOG: Magnitude-8.9 tremor will go down in seismology’s record books

  9. Planetary Science

    Venus, erupting?

    Lava flow suggests recent volcanism on Earth’s nearest planetary neighbor.

  10. Earth


    Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week’s news.

  11. Like a Bolt from Above

    Lightning scientists begin to solve electric mysteries.

  12. A year on the job, she takes pride in disaster response

    When she took over in November 2009 as the first female director of the U.S. Geological Survey, geophysicist Marcia McNutt already had her work cut out for her in streamlining and modernizing a historic scientific agency. That was before a string of natural disasters—earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, a volcanic eruption in Iceland and the […]
