Search Results for: Monkeys

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2,657 results
  1. Anthropology

    Care-Worn Fossils

    A nearly toothless fossil jaw found in France has reignited scientific debate over whether the skeletal remains of physically disabled individuals show that our Stone Age ancestors provided life-saving care to the ill and infirm.

  2. Troubling Treat: Guam mystery disease from bat entrée?

    A famous unsolved medical puzzle of why a neurological disease spiked on Guam may hinge on the local tradition of serving boiled bat.

  3. 19141

    This article suggests a few other questions. How hungry were the monkeys? And would the student volunteers make the same choices if they were in debt and given the option of splitting $20,000 or $40,000, amounts that would potentially change their lives? If I lose $10, I don’t really feel penniless, and my wife will […]

  4. Humans

    Undignified Science

    Research advances in 2003 heralded a string of unexpected scientific indignities that will occur in the future, at least in the fevered imagination of one writer.

  5. Humans

    Undignified Science

    Research advances in 2003 heralded a string of unexpected scientific indignities that will occur in the future, at least in the fevered imagination of one writer.

  6. Out of China: SARS virus’ genome hints at independent evolution

    The newly identified SARS virus is the product of a long and private evolutionary history, clues from its genome suggest.

  7. Paleontology

    New fossil weighs in on primate origins

    A 55-million-year-old primate skeleton found in Wyoming indicates that the common ancestor of modern monkeys, apes, and people was built primarily for hanging tightly onto tree branches.

  8. Paleontology

    New fossil weighs in on primate origins

    A 55-million-year-old primate skeleton found in Wyoming indicates that the common ancestor of modern monkeys, apes, and people was built primarily for hanging tightly onto tree branches.

  9. Anthropology

    Evolution’s DNA Fusion: Hybrid gene forms clue to human, ape origins

    A gene of mixed evolutionary pedigree may have transformed mammalian reproduction, leading to the evolution of apes and humans.

  10. Unfertilized monkey eggs make stem cells

    Scientists have for the first time obtained long-lived stem cells from monkey eggs stimulated to undergo parthenogenesis.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Antibodies fight Ebola virus in mouse test

    Specially designed antibodies can thwart Ebola virus in mice by binding to a glycoprotein on the surface of virus-infected cells, suggesting a potential treatment for the lethal disease.

  12. Animals

    Leave It to Evolution: Duplicated gene aids odd monkey diet

    A duplicated gene that has rapidly evolved helps certain monkey species thrive on a diet of leaves.
