Search Results for: Insects

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6,697 results
  1. Animals

    Termite soldiers locate battles with vibrational clues

    To locate invasions, termite soldiers listen for millisecond-long delays in vibrational distress signals sent out by other soldiers.

  2. Animals

    Neandertal of ant farmers grows modern food

    The most old-fashioned fungus-growing ant yet discovered grows a startlingly new-fangled crop.

  3. Plants

    Tricky pitcher plants lure ants into a false sense of security

    Carnivorous pitcher plants exploit social lives of ants as scouts escape and inadvertently lead nest mates to death trap.

  4. Animals

    Five surprising animals that play

    No one is shocked to find playful behavior in a cat, dog or other mammal. But scientists have documented play in plenty of other species, including reptiles and insects.

  5. Plants

    Fairly bad pitcher traps triumph in the end

    Carnivorous pitcher plant traps rarely catch much, but their lackadaisical hunting turns out not to be so lame after all.

  6. Plants

    From lemons to kumquats, roots of citrus variety dug up

    Citrus fruits’ lineage is traced through chloroplast DNA, revealing both maternal and paternal heritage.

  7. Animals

    Some animals’ internal clocks follow a different drummer

    Circadian clocks in some animals tick-tock to a different beat.

  8. Animals

    A summer challenge: Observe nature

    Opportunities for observing nature are plentiful, no matter where you live.

  9. Animals

    Delicate spider takes down tough prey by attacking weak spots

    The Loxosceles gaucho recluse spider can take down a heavily armored harvestman by attacking its weak spots, a new study reveals.

  10. Tech

    Robo-fly steadies flight with onboard sensor

    Scaling a robot to the size of a fly and stabilizing its flight with onboard sensors offers clues to how live insects stay steady in mid-air.

  11. Animals

    Insect queens sterilize workers with similar chemical

    When exposed to a form of saturated hydrocarbons that mimicked the queen’s scent, the worker insects’ ovaries degraded.

  12. Paleontology

    Earliest tree-dweller, burrower join mammal tree of life

    Fossils show mammal ancestors did a lot more than cower in dinosaurs’ shadows.
