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1,529 results
  1. Tech

    Miniaturized 3-D Printing: New polymer ink writes tiny structures

    A new 3-D printer can build up complex polymer microstructures with features small enough for creating photonic crystals or scaffolds for tissue engineering.

  2. Planetary Science

    Signs of Water Flow: Oceans of data point to ancient Martian sea

    A robotic rover on Mars has found strong evidence that some rocks near the Martian equator were laid down by a shallow, ancient ocean, indicating one of the most likely places to look for remains of life on the Red Planet.

  3. Humans

    From the January 6, 1934, issue

    alt=”Click to view larger image”> DR. THORNDIKE HONORED Dr. Edward L. Thorndike, psychologist and educator of Teachers College, Columbia University, was elected president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Dr. Thorndike, whose picture is reproduced on the cover, has been associated with Teachers College since before the turn of the century and […]

  4. Humans

    From the July 29, 1933, issue

    ON A SPARKLING SEA The photographer very likely took a more beautiful picture than he thought he would when, flying low over the Canadian Pacific’s Empress of Australia, he snapped the photograph that adorns the front cover of this week’s Science News Letter. The vessel has a gross tonnage of 21,850 tons and her displacement […]

  5. Animals

    Where’d I Put That?

    Birds that hide and recover thousands of separate caches of seeds have become a model for investigating how animals' minds work.

  6. Math

    Unlocking Puzzling Polygons

    Proof settles a wickedly prickly question about unfurling crinkly polygons.

  7. Planetary Science

    A phoenix on Mars

    If all goes according to plan, a spacecraft will land on the north polar region of Mars in 2008 and scoop up samples of the icy terrain.

  8. 19322

    Your article neglects the most difficult problem associated with sending a probe to the vicinity of Earth’s core: sending the information back. Even a few feet of earth will stop conventional radio waves. Extra-low-frequency transmissions would do the job, but a transmission could take years. Augusto Soux San Diego, Calif. David J. Stevenson of the […]

  9. Chemistry

    Old Martian questions may have new answer

    Researchers simulating Martian conditions in a test tube discover a likely reason why no organic molecules have yet been found on the surface of the Red Planet.

  10. Materials Science

    Material mimics mother-of-pearl in form and substance

    A new synthetic material is so strong and tough that it might one day be used to construct artificial bones or even auto parts.

  11. Humans

    Science News of the Year 2000

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2000.

  12. Math

    Deriving the Structure of Numbers

    A novel mathematical function called the number derivative offers new insights into the structure of integers.
