Search Results for: Insects

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6,697 results
  1. Animals

    Fully formed froglets emerge from dry bamboo nurseries

    In remote India, a rare frog mates and lays eggs inside bamboo stalks. The eggs hatch into froglets, forgoing the tadpole stage.

  2. Earth

    Water’s unclear origins, shaky solutions to climate change and more reader feedback

    Readers discuss the pitfalls of carbon storage, whether a recent movie got Alan Turing's story right and more.

  3. Life

    Fast and furious: The real lives of swallows

    In the fields of Oregon, scientists learn flight tricks from swallows.

  4. Animals

    Ant colonies prefer homes infected with fungus

    Choosing a new nest site ridden with a potentially deadly fungus may be a way for pharaoh ants to immunize themselves against the pathogen, scientists say.

  5. Life

    For healthy eating, timing matters

    Limiting eating times improves heart function in fruit flies.

  6. Animals

    Apes do the darndest things

    Several chimp behaviors have researchers wondering if apes are a good model for early hominid life.

  7. Animals

    ‘Animal Weapons’ examines evolution of natural armor

    Biological arms races have led to the evolution of horns, tusks and other extreme armament in the natural world.

  8. Animals

    When mom serves herself as dinner

    For this spider, extreme motherhood ends with a fatal family feast.

  9. Ecosystems

    Before you plant this spring, consider the birds

    A study of Chicago neighborhoods finds that the plants in private yards influence the variety of birds that live in the area.

  10. Paleontology

    Fossil beetles show earliest signs of active parenting

    Ancient beetles that thrived off of dead and decaying flesh may have been among the first creatures to actively care for their young.

  11. Environment

    Spiders enlisted as pollution sensors for rivers

    Hunting arachnids provide a better picture of chemical threats to food web.

  12. Animals

    Bees, up close and personal

    A photo archive from the U.S. Geological Survey's Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab offers detailed photos of bee species.
