Search Results for: Bacteria

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5,519 results
  1. Climate

    Phytoplankton rapidly disappearing from the Indian Ocean

    Phytoplankton populations in the Indian Ocean fell 30 percent over the last 16 years largely due to global warming, new research suggests.

  2. Genetics

    A circadian clock transplant gives E. coli rhythm

    Clockworks from algae built into E. coli may hold future jet lag treatment.

  3. Animals

    Don’t judge a whale’s gut microbiome by diet alone

    Evolutionary history and diet may both determine the microbes that live in a baleen whale's stomach, researchers report.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Genetic tweak turned plague bacterium deadly

    Two genetic changes allowed plague bacteria to cause deadly lung infections and pandemic disease.

  5. Genetics

    Scientists consider new genetic power and its impacts

    Thanks to CRISPR, scientists’ plans for effective use of gene drives suddenly look feasible.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Here are a few more things for the childproofing list

    Some seemingly safe objects may be particularly dangerous for little kids.

  7. Planetary Science

    Year in review: Global ocean spans Enceladus

    NASA's Cassini spacecraft is offering the best evidence yet that Saturn's moon Enceladus could be a great place to search for extraterrestrial life.

  8. Genetics

    Prion disease gets personal

    Diagnosis of a brain-wasting disease drove a married couple into science.

  9. Animals

    Vulture guts are filled with noxious bacteria

    Vultures’ guts are chock-full of bacteria that sicken other creatures.

  10. Life

    Turning the gut microbiome into a chat room

    Bacterial communication molecules can help shape microbial communities after antibiotics.

  11. Chemistry

    Biology may provide just the right chemistry for new drugs

    Using enzymes and microbes to make new drugs may help revive the pharmaceutical industry.

  12. Chemistry

    Pathway pieced together to make opiates in yeast

    Scientists have engineered yeast to make sugar into thebaine, a precursor to opiates such as morphine.
