Search Results for: Robotics

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1,529 results
  1. Tech

    Gel Bots? Vibrated goo mimics slithery motions

    The ability of soft, jellylike hydrogels to move as do snails, snakes, and inchworms may point the way to a new class of squishy robots that promise to be simple, quiet, and versatile.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Us against Them

    New antibiotics may be valuable weapons in the fight against tougher bacteria.

  3. Planetary Science

    Cassini spies storms on Saturn

    Closing in on Saturn after a 7-year journey, the Cassini spacecraft has discovered two storms merging on the ringed planet, only the second times that scientists have observed such a phenomenon.

  4. Tech

    Electronic skin senses touch

    A pressure-detecting membrane laminated onto a sheet of flexible plastic electronics may lead to artificial skin for robots.

  5. Planetary Science

    Red Planet Makes a Splash: Rover finds gush of evidence for past water

    A robotic rover on Mars has gathered what scientists are calling the best evidence to date that liquid water once flowed on the Red Planet.

  6. 19335

    I have a real problem with the way that the so-called robot-designed robot is described in this article. I used to do large-scale manufacturing automation, and I consider what is being done a parlor trick. There are only two things that could be called “robotic” in the system: The computer-aided manufacturing machinery that built the […]

  7. Chemistry

    Weighty Discovery: Chemical screening technique identifies potential anthrax drug

    A new version of mass spectrometry could speed the process of drug discovery by enabling more accurate screening of thousands of chemicals at once.

  8. Planetary Science

    A New Flight Plan

    President Bush recently unveiled an ambitious plan for a manned mission to Mars, using the moon as a testing area and stepping-stone, but for many planetary scientists the moon is a desirable destination in and of itself.

  9. Animals

    Hot Bother: Ground squirrels taunt in infrared

    California ground squirrels broadcast an infrared signal when confronting a rattlesnake.

  10. Tech

    Robotic heart surgery

    By using robotic rather than conventional open-heart techniques, doctors can perform heart surgery with smaller incisions, giving patients less pain and speeding recovery.

  11. Tech

    Injectable Medibots: Programmable DNA could diagnose and treat cancer

    Researchers have created a miniature DNA computer that can detect cancer genes in a test tube and respond by releasing a drug.

  12. Astronomy

    Rare Passage: Crab’s X rays probe Titan

    Observing a rare celestial alignment, astronomers have made the first X-ray measurement of the atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan.
