Search Results for: Geology

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7,733 results
  1. Earth

    Antarctica’s concealed mountains tell of wonders revealed by pure science

  2. Life

    Cause confirmed in bat scourge

    White-nose syndrome has devastated bat population in eastern North America.

  3. Chemistry

    For truffle aroma, it’s not all about location

    Genes, not environment, play a key role in the prized fungus’s scent.

  4. Space

    Earth took a multibillion-year beating

    Asteroids pummeled the planet for billions of years as the Late Heavy Bombardment tapered off, new estimates suggest.

  5. Earth

    Pole flips tied to plate tectonics

    A lopsided arrangement of continents could lead to reversals in Earth's magnetic field.

  6. Humans

    Despite lean times, Obama wants R&D hikes

    The proposed federal budget would stall nonmandated spending overall, but science and tech would climb.

  7. Earth

    Big volcanoes wake up fast

    Crystal chemistry suggests magma changes quickly before a huge eruption.

  8. Humans

    Bat killer is still spreading

    Since 2006, some 6 million to 7 million North American bats have succumbed to white-nose syndrome, a virulent fungal disease. That figure, issued in January by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, at least sextupled the former estimate that biologists had been touting. But the sharp jump in the cumulative death toll isn’t the only disturbing new development. On April 2, scientists confirmed that white-nose fungus has apparently struck bats hibernating in two small Missouri caves. The first signs of clinical disease have also just emerged in Europe.

  9. Life

    Crabs hither, shrimp thither

    Biologists document surprising differences among deep-sea animals at hydrothermal vent fields.

  10. Earth

    Floodwaters may trigger fault motion

    In sediments under California’s Salton Sea, geologists find evidence for a natural disaster one-two punch.

  11. Life

    Mere fear shrinks bird families

    Just hearing recordings of predators, in the absence of any real danger, caused sparrows to raise fewer babies.

  12. Climate

    Humans’ greenhouse gas emissions throw next ice age off schedule
