Search Results for: Chimpanzee

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947 results
  1. Anthropology

    Ardi and her discoverers shake up hominid evolution in ‘Fossil Men’

    A new book covers the big personalities, field exploits and scientific clashes behind the discovery of the hominid skeleton nicknamed Ardi.

  2. Life

    Human encroachment threatens chimpanzee culture

    Human activity is affecting chimps’ behavioral repertoire, a new study suggests. Creating chimp cultural heritage sites might save unique behaviors.

  3. Health & Medicine

    COVID-19 vaccines by Oxford, CanSino and Pfizer all trigger immune responses

    In three clinical trials, vaccine candidates appear safe and induce the production of antibodies and other immune cell responses against the coronavirus.

  4. Health & Medicine

    What do COVID-19 vaccines mean for daily life in the months ahead?

    Effective COVID-19 vaccines are a ray of hope. But masks and distancing are still necessary, especially with contagious variants spreading.

  5. Humans

    Ancient DNA reveals the first glimpse of what a Denisovan may have looked like

    A controversial technique reconstructs a teenage Denisovan’s physical appearance from genetics.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Here’s what we know about Russia’s unverified coronavirus vaccine

    Despite incomplete testing, Sputnik V may be the first COVID-19 vaccine given to the general public, rolling out initially to teachers and doctors.

  7. Humans

    Human embryos have extra hand muscles found in lizards but not most adults

    In developing human embryos, muscles are made, then lost, in a pattern that mirrors the appearance of the structures during evolution.

  8. Readers ask about bat viruses and coronavirus

  9. Humans

    Evolving an arch across the foot’s width helped hominids walk upright

    The arch across the foot evolved at least 3.4 million years ago, possibly before the lengthwise arch. Both arches help humans to walk and run.

  10. Animals

    ‘Mama’s Last Hug’ showcases the emotional lives of animals

    In ‘Mama’s Last Hug,’ Frans de Waal argues that emotions occur throughout the animal world.

  11. Genetics

    DNA confirms a weird Greenland whale was a narwhal-beluga hybrid

    DNA analysis of a skull indicates that the animal had a narwhal mother and beluga father.

  12. Health & Medicine

    A COVID-19 vaccine may come soon. Will the blistering pace backfire?

    Speed is essential, but not at the expense of safety and efficacy, experts warn. Sacrificing either could damage public trust.
