Search Results for: Amphibian

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731 results
  1. Life

    Bizarre caecilians may be the only amphibians with venomous bites

    Microscope and chemical analyses suggest that, like snakes, caecilians have glands near their teeth that secrete venom.

  2. Earth

    A volcano-induced rainy period made Earth’s climate dinosaur-friendly

    New physical evidence links eruptions 234 million to 232 million years ago to climate changes that let dinosaurs start their climb to dominance.

  3. Life

    Fires may have affected up to 85 percent of threatened Amazon species

    Since 2001, fires in the Amazon have impacted up to about 190,000 square kilometers — roughly the size of Washington state.

  4. Animals

    These spiders may sew leaves into fake shelters to lure frogs to their doom

    Madagascar’s huntsman spiders use silk to turn two leaves into a cool hollow. Such microhabitats may appeal to the spiders’ prey, a study suggests.

  5. Animals

    This praying mantis inflates a strange pheromone gland to lure mates

    Researchers stumbled across a first among mantises: an inflatable organ that spreads pheromones, helping mates find each other in the dark rainforest.

  6. Animals

    Clearing land to feed a growing human population will threaten thousands of species

    Changing where, how and what food is grown could largely avoid biodiversity losses, scientists say.

  7. Animals

    Octopus sleep includes a frenzied, colorful, ‘active’ stage

    Four wild cephalopods snoozing in a lab had long stretches of quiet napping followed by brief bursts of REM-like sleep.

  8. Life

    Water beetles can live on after being eaten and excreted by a frog

    After being eaten by a frog, some water beetles can scurry through the digestive tract and emerge on the other side, alive and well.

  9. Animals

    Glowing frogs and salamanders may be surprisingly common

    A widespread ability to glow in striking greens, yellows and oranges could make amphibians easier to track down in the wild.

  10. Paleontology

    The first frog fossil from Antarctica has been found

    An ancient amphibian from Antarctica gives new insight into when the continent got so cold.

  11. Readers ask about shrinking toads, defining distance in an expanding universe and more

  12. Animals

    This snake rips a hole in living toads’ stomachs to feast on their organs

    A particularly gruesome way to kill may help small-banded kukri snakes avoid toxins secreted from the neck and backs of some toads.
