Search Results for: Artificial Intelligence

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795 results
  1. Life

    Moths pollinate clover flowers at night, after bees have gone home

    Camera footage reveals that moths make roughly a third of the visits to red clover, highlighting the overlooked role of nighttime pollinators.

  2. The future of computing

    The digital revolution has brought chess-playing robots, self-driving cars, curated news feeds and new ethical challenges.

  3. Computing

    Now that computers connect us all, for better and worse, what’s next?

    The digital revolution has brought chess-playing robots, self-driving cars, curated newsfeeds — and new ethical challenges.

  4. Computing has changed everything. What next?

    Editor in chief Nancy Shute discusses the last century's extraordinary advances in computing, and what they might mean for the future

  5. Math

    Here’s why mathematicians are so interested in cake cutting

    The question of how to fairly divide resources attracts game theorists, computer scientists, economists, legal experts and more.

  6. Artificial Intelligence

    How AI can identify people even in anonymized datasets

    A neural network identified a majority of anonymous mobile phone service subscribers using details about their weekly social interactions.

  7. Health & Medicine

    I think I have long COVID. What does that mean?

    The condition comes with varying levels of severity and symptoms, making it hard to diagnose and treat.

  8. Science & Society

    The spoken word album ‘Experimental Words’ weaves rhyme with reason

    The spoken word album Experimental Words, a collaboration between researchers and poets, explores the intersection between science and art.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Tiny living machines called xenobots can create copies of themselves

    When clusters of frog cells known as xenobots form a Pac-Man shape, they are especially efficient at replicating in a new way, researchers say.

  10. Earth

    How AI can help forecast how much Arctic sea ice will shrink

    Trained on sea ice observations and climate simulations, IceNet is 95 percent accurate in forecasting sea ice extent two months in advance.

  11. Animals

    Mammal brains may use the same circuits to control tongues and limbs

    When mice drink water, they make corrective motions with their tongues that resemble similar adjustments made by primates when they grab for objects.

  12. Life

    Has AlphaFold actually solved biology’s protein-folding problem?

    An AI called AlphaFold predicted structures for nearly every protein known to science. Those predictions aren’t without limits, some researchers say.
