Search Results for: Dogs

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3,878 results
  1. Animals

    Ferrets Gone Wild: Reintroduced animals coming back in Wyoming

    A Wyoming population of endangered black-footed ferrets, started from captive-bred animals, has survived difficulties and is doing well.

  2. Anthropology

    Loud and clear

    Skulls of Neandertal ancestors show the prehistoric humans had a hearing capacity similar to present-day people, suggesting human speech could have originated much earlier than previously thought.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Let there be light

    Researchers report restoring vision to people with a rare, genetic form of blindness. A different technique helped blind mice see again and could bring back some sight in people with macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa or other blinding diseases.

  4. Life

    Darwin’s Evolution

    Darwin's life and his contribution to science.

  5. Life

    Duckbill decoded

    With a mix of reptilian, bird and mammalian features, the duck-billed platypus genome looks as strange as the animal.

  6. Ecosystems

    Fish Houses

    Tanked half-way houses allow people and fish to get acquainted on their own terms — and exhibit their individual personalities.

  7. Planetary Science

    Gassy Geysers: Cassini surveys Saturn’s moon

    NASA's Cassini spacecraft had a close encounter with the giant vapor plume gushing from Saturn's tiny moon Enceladus.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Sick and down

    To fight off an infection or illness, the body shifts into a slow-down mode that mirrors some symptoms of depression. In fact, scientists now think the immune response itself may even cause the mood disorder.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Medicinal Chocolate . . . Part 1

    Therapeutic? - Some health groups are touting the benefits of the antioxidants found in candy.

  10. Life

    Evolution’s Evolution

    Darwin’s dangerous idea has adapted to modern biology

  11. Animals

    Hatch a Thief: Brains incline birds toward a life of crime

    When it comes to a bird family's propensity to pilfer, a larger than usual brain for a particular body size is more important than body size alone.

  12. Unusual tumor is contagious in dogs

    A type of cancer in dogs is transferred from animal to animal by exchange of cancer cells.
