Search Results for: Bears

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6,745 results
  1. Humans

    North African Diaspora written in genes

    DNA analysis of people from 15 groups identifies distinct groups and migrations.

  2. Life

    Killer whale mama’s boys live longer

    Survival benefits may explain females’ extended life span following menopause.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Test drug eases behavioral symptoms seen in autism

    In mouse experiments, the compound curbs repetitive behaviors and improves sociability.

  4. Life

    Study shows where identical twins part ways

    By birth, genetic doubles are already using their DNA differently.

  5. Life

    Oldest mites in amber discovered

    Two new species of arthropods found in 230-million-year-old fossilized resin show similarities to modern-day species.

  6. Life

    DNA hints at polar bears’ Irish ancestry

    Mitochondrial genetic analysis suggests a bit o’ hybridizing long ago with brown bears on the Emerald Isle.

  7. Humans

    The man behind Sarcastic Rover

    NASA’s newest rover, Curiosity, wasn’t alone on Mars for long.

  8. Anthropology

    Sticks, stones and bones reveal emergence of a hunter-gatherer culture

    A cave in southern Africa was occupied by people very much like those living in the region today.

  9. Humans

    Apocalypse, not so fast

    Guatemalan find suggests mention of a date far in the future served a Maya king’s immediate needs.

  10. Archaeology

    Oldest pottery comes from Chinese cave

    New dates show that East Asian hunter-gatherers fired up cooking vessels 20,000 years ago.

  11. Frozen Planet: A World Beyond Imagination by Alastair Fothergill and Vanessa Berlowitz

    Journey with four polar denizens — polar bear, Arctic fox, Adélie penguin and wandering albatross — through seasonal changes in this companion to a BBC television series. Firefly Books, 2011, 312 p., $39.95

  12. Health & Medicine

    Ovulation spurred by newfound semen ingredient

    A common growth-boosting protein may act as a pregnancy-protecting hormone in humans.
