Search Results for: Geology

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7,733 results
  1. Earth

    Bad days for dinosaurs began long before the last of them died

  2. Life

    Fossils show signs of earliest burrowing

    Worms’ seafloor tunneling more than a half-billion years ago could have stirred up evolutionary forces.

  3. Planetary Science

    Highlights from the 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, March 19-23

    Geologic activity and weather on Saturnian moons, and studies in Greenland to learn about Mars.

  4. Creating small wonders

    Cell biologist and inventor Gary Greenberg’s career took a turn about 10 years ago when his brother sent him a canister of beach sand. Greenberg placed a pinch under a light microscope. Magnified hundreds of times, the colorful, intricate sand grains resembled beads from a necklace. “I was just blown away. I couldn’t believe that […]

  5. Animals

    Bat killer hits endangered grays

    The news on white-nose syndrome just keeps spiraling downward. The fungal infection, which first emerged six years ago, has now been confirmed in a seventh species of North American bats — the largely cave-dwelling grays (Myotis grisecens). The latest victims were struck while hibernating this past winter in two Tennessee counties.

  6. What’s So Hot About Volcanoes (What’s So Cool About Geology) by Wendell A. Duffield

    A volcanologist transports readers to Hawaii, Chile and Japan to show how volcanoes form, why they erupt and how scientists are trying to predict eruptions. Mountain Press, 2011, 89 p., $16, young adult

  7. Astronomy

    Violent birth proposed for Saturn’s moon mishmash

    A simulation suggests that giant collisions created Titan and the planet’s many smaller satellites.

  8. Earth

    When studying a monster volcano, poke softly with a sensitive stick

  9. Astronomy

    Curiosity to look for habitable environs

    Set to land on Mars August 5, NASA mission will search for signs that the planet could support life, now or long ago.

  10. Physics

    As Erebus Lives and Breathes

    The Antarctica volcano’s long-lived lava lake coughs up clues to the physiology of volcanoes .

  11. Space

    Smallest planet yields big surprises

    Spacecraft images reveal Mercury has a complicated inside and an active geologic past.

  12. Earth

    East Coast faces faster sea level rise

    From North Carolina to Massachusetts, waters are rising more rapidly than the global average.
