Search Results for: Fish

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8,095 results
  1. Animals

    Deepwater dweller is first known warm-hearted fish

    The opah, a deep-diving fish, can keep much of its body warmer than its surroundings, making it similar to warm-blooded birds and mammals.

  2. Oceans

    Corals need to take their vitamin C

    Newly settled corals use vitamin C to help build their stony skeletons, researchers propose.

  3. Animals

    These beetles use surface tension to water-ski

    Waterlily beetles are in for a fast and bumpy ride as they fly across ponds, researchers find.

  4. Animals

    Distinct voices fill the fish soundscape at night

    Researchers find that fish sound frequencies overlap more during the day and are more distinct at night.

  5. Oceans

    Deep-sea hydrothermal vents more abundant than thought

    Ecosystem-supporting hydrothermal vents are much more abundant along the ocean floor than previously thought.

  6. Anthropology

    Viking-era woman sheds light on Iceland’s earliest settlers

    Viking-era woman accompanied island’s early settlers as a child from Scandinavia or Britain.

  7. Earth

    Ocean’s plastics offer a floating fortress to a mess of microbes

    Microbes take up residence on ocean plastics, potentially causing changes in ocean environments.

  8. Animals

    Dragons sleep like mammals and birds

    Some lizards may sleep in the same way as mammals and birds, a new brain wave study finds.

  9. Paleontology

    Fossil of monstrous fish-eating amphibian unearthed

    A new Triassic species of giant amphibian lived like a crocodile instead of like its cute little salamander and frog relatives of today.

  10. Genetics

    GMOs haven’t delivered on their promises — or risks

    Genetically modified foods have been studied extensively and are abundant on supermarket shelves, but they haven’t managed to end world hunger yet.

  11. Climate

    Pink salmon threatened by freshwater acidification

    Ocean acidification gets more attention, but freshwater systems are also acidifying. That’s a problem for young salmon, a new study finds.

  12. Genetics

    Mutation-disease link masked in zebrafish

    Zebrafish study shows organisms can work around DNA mutations.
