Search Results for: Robotics

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1,529 results
  1. Planetary Science

    Satanic Winds

    Dust devils send prodigious amounts of dust into Earth's atmosphere, and on Mars the electric fields generated by the dusty vortices may actually stimulate changes in atmospheric chemistry that sterilize the soil.

  2. Planetary Science

    Radar for rovers on future Mars trips?

    Scientists are developing ground-penetrating radar equipment that could serve as geologists' helpers on future Mars-roving vehicles.

  3. Astronomy

    People, Not Robots: Panel favors shuttle mission to Hubble

    Sharply challenging NASA on the issue of safety in space, a National Academy of Sciences panel has recommended that the agency send astronauts to repair and upgrade the Hubble Space Telescope rather than send a robotic device.

  4. Planetary Science

    Opportunity rolls out of Purgatory

    After being stuck for nearly 5 weeks, the Mars rover Opportunity has freed itself from a sand trap on the Red Planet.

  5. Humans

    Science News of the Year 2006

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2006.

  6. Humans

    Venting Concerns

    Scientists have developed a code of conduct to guide their research and activities at hydrothermal vents.

  7. 19516

    When I read of the Hubble Space Telescope–repair controversy (“People, Not Robots: Panel favors shuttle mission to Hubble,” SN: 12/18&25/04, p. 388; and this article), this question comes to mind: Why can’t an unmanned, powered vehicle latch on to Hubble and fly it to the International Space Station, where it could be repaired by the […]

  8. Earth

    Uncharted Territory

    Ultraslow-spreading undersea ridges are giving oceanographers fresh insights into how Earth's crust forms.

  9. Tech

    Bionic Bacteria: Gold nanoparticles make gadgets of living microbes

    Researchers have created an electromechanical device out of living microbes.

  10. Astronomy

    Farthest Bang: A burst that goes the distance

    The most-distant gamma-ray burst ever found hails from 900 million years after the birth of the universe, around the time when stars and galaxies first flooded the universe with light.

  11. Humans

    Museum of Science

    Interested in ancient Egypt, how your body ages, electron microscope images, or fractal patterns in nature? The Museum of Science in Boston offers a wide variety of online exhibits. You can learn the basics of robotics, explore Mt. Everest, venture to Antarctica, meet Leonardo da Vinci, dip into Earth’s oceans, and much more. Go to: […]

  12. Planetary Science

    Dusty rejuvenation

    The Mars rover Spirit recently had its dirty solar arrays cleaned off, possibly by a dust devil, allowing the craft to generate nearly as much energy as it did when it first landed on the Red Planet in January 2004.
