Search Results for: Vertebrates

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1,505 results
  1. Paleontology

    Trackway site shows dinosaur on the go

    Scientists say that a sediment-filled, bathtub-shape depression found at one of North America's most significant dinosaur trackway sites is the first recognized evidence of urination in dinosaurs.

  2. Paleontology

    Mosasaurs were born at sea, not in safe harbors

    Newly discovered fossils of prehistoric aquatic reptiles known as mosasaurs suggest that the creatures gave birth in midocean rather than in near-shore sanctuaries as previously suspected.

  3. Paleontology

    Stegosaur tails packed a punch

    A mathematical analysis of a fossil stegosaur's bones leaves little doubt that the creature's spike-studded tail was an effective defense against predators.

  4. Globin Family Grows: Blood-protein relative is in all tissues

    Researchers discovered a relative of the blood protein hemoglobin in all the body's tissues.

  5. Paleontology

    Into the Gap: Fossil find stands on its own four legs

    A fossil originally misidentified as an ancient fish turns out to be the nearly intact remains of a four-limbed creature that lived during an extended period noted for its lack of fossils of land animals.

  6. Animals

    Homing Lobsters: Fancy navigation, for an invertebrate

    Spiny lobsters are the first animals without backbones to pass tests for the orienteering power called true navigation.

  7. Paleontology

    Wings Aplenty: Dinosaur species had feathered hind limbs

    A team of Chinese paleontologists has discovered fossils of a small, feathered dinosaur that they say had four wings.

  8. Hey, we’re richer than we thought!

    The latest inventory of life in the United States has turned up an extra 100,000 species of plants, animals, and fungi.

  9. Blood cues sex choice for parasites

    Malaria parasites shift their female-biased production of offspring toward a more evenly balanced sex ratio as an infection proceeds.

  10. Paleontology

    Sea Dragons

    About 235 million years ago, as the earliest dinosaurs stomped about on land, some of their reptilian relatives slipped back into the surf, took on an aquatic lifestyle, and became ichthyosaurs—Greek for fish lizards.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Making Bone: Novel form of vitamin D builds up rat skeleton

    A newly synthesized form of Vitamin D induces bone-making cells to capture calcium and fortify bone mass in rats, suggesting it might work against osteoporosis in people.

  12. Paleontology

    Dear Mummy: Rare fossil reveals common dinosaur’s soft tissue

    A mummified dinosaur unearthed in Montana a year ago is giving scientists a rare peek at what the creature's muscles and other soft tissues may have looked like.
