Search Results for: Vertebrates

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1,505 results
  1. Visionary Research

    Scientists are debating why primates evolved full color vision and whether that development led to a reduced sense of smell.

  2. Earth

    A Dam Shame? Project may slam China’s biodiversity

    When the Three Gorges Dam begins to impound the waters of the Yangtze River in China later this year, dozens of mountains and other elevated areas upstream will become islands—an outcome that will probably devastate the rich diversity of species now living along the river.

  3. Sea squirt’s DNA makes a splash

    The DNA sequence of a sea squirt may reveal the origins of vertebrates.

  4. Paleontology

    Feathered fossil still stirs debate

    More than 2 years after scientists first described 120-million-year-old fossils of a feathered animal, a new analysis seems to bolster the view that the turkey-size species was a bird has-been and not a bird wanna-be.

  5. Do oxpeckers help or mostly just freeload?

    A textbook example of mutualism—birds that ride around picking ticks off big African mammals—may not be mutually beneficial at all.

  6. A fish’s solution to broken hearts

    The zebrafish can regenerate missing heart muscle.

  7. Getting an Earful: With gene therapy, ears grow new sensory cells

    Scientists have for the first time coaxed the growth of new sensory cells within the ears of an adult mammal.

  8. Animals

    Sibling Desperado: Doomed booby chick turns relentlessly violent

    The first known case among nonhuman vertebrates of so-called desperado aggression—relentless attacks against an overwhelming force—may come from the underling chick in nests of brown boobies.

  9. Paleontology

    Curved claws hint at pterosaur habits

    A study of the claws of flying reptiles known as pterosaurs suggests that some of the creatures may have walked like present-day herons and used their wing fingers to hold prey.

  10. Paleontology

    Skimming the Surface: Flying reptile may have scooped its meals

    Fossils unearthed in Brazil strengthen the idea that some species of ancient flying reptiles snatched their meals on the fly, snapping up fish as they swooped low over the water's surface.

  11. Paleontology

    Family Meal: Cannibal dinosaur known by its bones

    Analyses of the gnaw marks on bones of Majungatholus atopus, a carnivorous dinosaur from Madagascar, indicate that the creatures routinely fed on members of their own species.

  12. Paleontology

    Veggie Bites: Fossil suggests carnivorous dinosaurs begat vegetarian kin

    Chinese rocks have yielded fossil remains of a creature that had rodentlike incisors and a hefty overbite, providing the first distinct dental evidence for plant-eating habits among theropod dinosaurs.
