Search Results for: Primates

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1,416 results
  1. Animals

    Don’t look now, but is that dog laughing?

    Researchers have identified a particular exhalation that dogs make while playing as a possible counterpart to a human laugh.

  2. From the May 23, 1931, issue

    TOUCH OF SPRING FEVER MAKES WHOLE WORLD KIN In the spring a young mans fancy turns to thoughts of another nap even more often than it does to amative imaginings, Tennyson to the contrary notwithstanding. Spring fever, that drowsiness and mild lassitude that comes of warmth and well-being rather than of the crabbed winter of […]

  3. Tapeworms tell tales of deeper human past

    A new analysis of tapeworm history suggests that people have been wrong about where we picked up pests: It was not domestication of cattle and pigs but increased meat eating in Africa.

  4. Higher Primates May Have Asian Root

  5. Animals

    Social Cats

    Who says cats aren't social? And other musings from scientists who study cats in groups.

  6. Science News of the Year 2001

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2001.

  7. Anthropology

    Evolution’s Youth Movement

    The fossils of ancient children may provide insights into the evolution of modern Homo sapiens.

  8. Tea and an Apple Chestnut

  9. The Secret Lives of Squirrel Monkeys

  10. HIV-like Gene Lies Buried in Human DNA

  11. A Grilling on Meaty Issues

  12. Breaking the Code on Chicken Clucks
