Search Results for: Fish

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8,095 results
  1. Science & Society

    What’s ahead for science in 2017?

    Science News writers reveal what they are watching for — and hoping for — in the year ahead.

  2. Science & Society

    Genetically modified salmon gets approval in U.S.

    Fast-growing salmon become first genetically engineered animals approved for human consumption.

  3. Animals

    Snot could be crucial to dolphin echolocation

    An acoustic model reveals that echolocation relies on mucus lined tissue lumps in the animal’s nasal passage.

  4. Genetics

    Gene gives mice and chipmunks their pinstripes

    A recycled regulator paints on rodents’ light stripes.

  5. Oceans

    Rising temperatures complicate efforts to manage cod fishery

    Higher water temperatures in the Gulf of Maine could play a role in Atlantic cod crashes.

  6. Animals

    Eels may not take most direct route in epic ocean-crossing spawning runs

    European eels’ epic ocean migrations to spawn may include more peculiar routes and timing than thought.

  7. Animals

    White-nose bat disease jumps the Rockies to Washington state

    For the first time, the bat-killing white-nose syndrome shows up west of the Rockies.

  8. Life

    No-fishing scheme in Great Barrier Reef succeeds with valuable fishes

    Coral trout are thriving in marine protected areas in the Great Barrier Reef, but the no-take zones are having a smaller effect on other reef residents, a new 10-year report card shows.

  9. Oceans

    Here’s where 17,000 ocean research buoys ended up

    A combined look at 35 years’ worth of ocean buoy movements reveals the currents that feed into ocean garbage patches.

  10. Animals

    Fog ferries mercury from the ocean to land animals

    Scientists have traced mercury in the waters of the Pacific Ocean to animals, including mountain lions, in California.

  11. Climate

    Year in review: Sea ice loss will shake up ecosystems

    Researchers are studying the complex biological consequences of polar melting and opening Arctic passageways.

  12. Paleontology

    Free virtual fossils for everyone archives 3-D images of bones from over 200 genera of both living and extinct animals.
