Search Results for: Bears

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6,745 results
  1. Planetary Science

    Curiosity gets the dirt on Mars

    The NASA rover completes an analysis of the first soil collected from Gale Crater.

  2. Planetary Science

    NASA bets on asteroid mission as best path to Mars

    NASA wants to bag an asteroid using robotic arms or an enormous sack and place the rock in the moon’s orbit for study. This may keep astronauts working but not, as NASA claims, get them Mars-ready.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Mammography’s limits becoming clear

    It may be time to move way from blanket recommendations about mammography and empower women to decide for themselves, new work suggests.

  4. Quantum Physics

    Finding a quantum way to make free will possible

    Maybe quantum influences from the Big Bang make humans unpredictable, permitting the possibility of free will.

  5. Math

    To make science better, watch out for statistical flaws

    Study denying that most medical research papers are wrong may turn out to be wrong.

  6. Astronomy

    ‘Space beads’ push back origins of iron working

    Ancient Egyptians used advanced techniques to make beads out of 'metal from the sky.'

  7. Life

    Fossils point to ancient ape-monkey split

    Apes and monkeys split from a common ancestor more than 25 million years ago, fossil finds suggest.

  8. Plants

    Giant genomes felled by DNA sequencing advances

    Complete genetic blueprints have been collected for several conifer species.

  9. Life

    Rogue genes on X chromosome turn on in testicles

    Chunks of rapidly evolving DNA could affect sperm production in males.

  10. Neuroscience

    Legalization trend forces review of marijuana’s dangers

    Marijuana legalization advocates tout pot’s medicinal benefits and low addictiveness, while critics point to its neurological dangers. Research shows that the reality is somewhere in the middle.

  11. Life

    Polar bears’ ancient roots pushed way back

    Full genetic blueprints suggest the animals split from brown bears millions of years ago.

  12. Life

    The name of the fungus

    A rebellion has broken out against the traditional way of naming species in the peculiar, shape-shifting world of fungi.
