Search Results for: Geology

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7,733 results
  1. Earth

    Groundwater isolated for eons

    At least 1.5 billion years after it last saw the surface, flowing liquid may host life.

  2. Climate

    Grape expectations

    Global warming has delivered long, warm growing seasons and blockbuster vintages to the world’s great wine regions. But by mid-century, excessive heat will push premium wine-making into new territory.

  3. Anthropology

    Human ancestors scrambled to their feet, a new explanation for bipedalism asserts

  4. Humans

    Obama seeks R&D funding boost in tough times

    The administration’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2014 lifts nondefense research spending by 9 percent.

  5. Planetary Science

    Faint Young Sun

    Scientists struggle to understand how early Earth stayed warm enough for liquid water.

  6. Earth

    Magnitude 8.0 earthquake strikes Solomon Islands

    Temblor is the largest in a month of seismic activity on Australian-Pacific plate boundary.

  7. Earth

    The Arctic was once warmer, covered by trees

    Pliocene epoch featured greenhouse gas levels similar to today's but with higher average temperatures.

  8. 101 American Geo-Sites You’ve Gotta See (Geology Underfoot) by Albert B. Dickas

    This handy guide has plenty of labeled photos and diagrams to help you find geological sites of interest in all 50 states. Mountain Press, 2012, 250 p., $24

  9. Life

    Microbes flourish at deepest ocean site

    At the bottom of the Mariana Trench, eleven kilometers down, bacteria prosper despite crushing pressure and isolation.

  10. Earth

    Kansas was unbearably hot 270 million years ago

    Temperatures soared to nearly 74 degrees Celsius, which no plants or animals could endure.

  11. Earth

    Landslides detected from afar

    Seismic fingerprints can reveal that a rock avalanche has occurred in a remote location.

  12. Life

    Impact craters may have been a toasty home for early life

    The heat generated during a cosmic crash could have nurtured ancient organisms.
