Search Results for: Robotics

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1,529 results
  1. Planetary Science

    Dispatch from Mars, Sol 4

    The good news is a tentative sighting of ice by the Mars Phoenix Lander. The bad news is the discovery of a glitch in the system that will analyze soil samples.

  2. Earth

    Defining Toxic: Federal agencies look to cells, not animals, for chemical testing

    Government scientists are collaborating to shift the testing of potentially toxic chemicals away from animals to methods that use high-speed automated robots, which should generate data relevant to humans faster and more cheaply than current methods.

  3. Space

    New light on moon water

    Kaguya, a Japanese spacecraft orbiting the moon, finds that a south pole crater called Shackleton has no visible signs of ice.

  4. Space

    Phoenix gets ready for work

    After a day’s delay, scientists successfully sent up commands to unstow the robotic arm of NASA’s Phoenix Mars Lander.

  5. Space

    Martian dig delayed

    The Phoenix Mars Lander was in good health after its safe May 25 landing on the Red Planet, but a communication problem delayed plans to unlatch its robotic digging arm.

  6. Planetary Science

    See how it lands

    A camera on a Mars-orbiting spacecraft caught an image of NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander suspended from its parachute just before it descended onto the Red Planet’s northern plains on May 25.

  7. Physics

    Microswimmers make a splash

    Researchers study secrets of microbes' locomotion and how to mimic that movement.

  8. Astronomy

    A Phoenix on Mars

    A new robotic lander will search the north polar region of Mars for habitability.

  9. Earth

    The Solar System’s Big Bang

    Finding signs of a lost beginning.

  10. Physics

    Decoding the Quantum Mystery

    An essay by Tom Siegfried, SN's Editor in Chief, explores how signals from space to Earth could establish the reality of Einstein's worst fear.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Testing nanoparticles

    Testing the toxicity of dozens of nanoparticles en masse may offer a faster track to medical applications.

  12. Crustacean shuffle

    A twisted joint might have made all the difference to scurrying crabs as they diverged from their clunky lobsterlike brethren.
