Search Results for: Fish

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8,095 results
  1. For harbor porpoises, the ocean is a 24-hour buffet

    Scientists tagged harbor porpoises with monitoring equipment and found that the small cetaceans eat thousands of fish throughout the day.

  2. Oceans

    First U.S. ocean monument named in the Atlantic

    A region of ocean off the coast of Cape Cod has become the first U.S. marine national monument in the Atlantic Ocean, President Barack Obama announced.

  3. Animals

    These fish would rather walk

    Slowpokes of the sea, frogfish and handfish creep along the ocean bottom.

  4. Oceans

    Coral die-off in Great Barrier Reef reaches record levels

    Bleaching has killed more than two-thirds of corals in some parts of the Great Barrier Reef, scientists have confirmed.

  5. Life

    Two stationary kinds of bacteria can move when mixed

    Bacteria stuck when alone on a dry surface get moving — and get faster — when they evolve together.

  6. Animals

    In the Coral Triangle, clownfish figured out how to share

    In the Coral Triangle in Southeast Asia, an area of rich biodiversity, clownfish species often share anemones, a new study finds.

  7. Animals

    Study ranks Greenland shark as longest-lived vertebrate

    Radiocarbon in eye lenses suggests mysterious Greenland sharks might live for almost 400 years.

  8. Life

    Public, doctors alike confused about food allergies

    Gaps in understanding food allergies cause confusion and make it difficult to prevent, diagnose and treat them.

  9. Life

    Hightailing it out of the water, mudskipper style

    A robot and a land-walking fish show how a tail might have made a huge difference for early vertebrates conquering the slippery slopes of terrestrial life.

  10. Life

    In the body, cells move like flocks of birds or schools of fish

    Cells move in groups similarly to flocks of birds and schools of fish

  11. Animals

    Marine biologist chronicles a lifelong love of fishing

    In A Naturalist Goes Fishing, a marine biologist takes readers on a round-the-world fishing expedition

  12. Science & Society

    Cancer studies get mixed grades on redo tests

    Replications of cancer studies fail to reproduce some results.
