Search Results for: Bears

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6,745 results
  1. Anthropology

    Origins of Egyptian mummy making may predate pyramids

    Preservative mixture for mummy wrapping found on linens that covered the dead as early as 6,300 years ago.

  2. Animals

    Spotted seals hear well in and out of water

    Spotted seals, native to the northern parts of the Pacific, hear frequencies that may mean they are susceptible to the effects of anthropogenic noise.

  3. Tech

    Scientists struggle to find signals in the noise

    Even in a simple system like email, detecting the signal from the noise is not always easy. It can be even more difficult separating a dazzling discovery from dust or whether a breast mass is cancerous or benign.

  4. Animals

    A fish reared out of water walks better

    The normally aquatic fish Senegal bichir raised on land suggests how ancient species might have transitioned into terrestrial ones.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Chronic stress can wreak havoc on the body

    Scientists are shedding light on all the ways that chronic stress can boost inflammation and lead to serious health problems.

  6. Astronomy

    Stopping starlight may bring other Earths into focus

    Two new telescope concepts compete for NASA’s approval, in hopes of taking the first picture of a life-bearing exoplanet.

  7. Astronomy

    When looking for aliens, try finding their pollution

    Future telescopes may discover civilized aliens by detecting the industrial pollutants called fluorinated gases in exoplanet atmospheres.

  8. Humans

    Skulls reveal Neandertal’s hodge-podge genealogy

    A new analysis of ancient hominid skulls reveals a patchy anatomical start of the Neandertal lineage.

  9. Astronomy

    Earth-sized planet found in star’s habitable zone

    Astronomers have found a potentially habitable Earth-sized planet around a cool red star.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Organic foods may contain extra antioxidants

    Contrary to previous studies, a new analysis finds that organic crops have nutritional benefits over conventionally grown foods.

  11. Psychology

    Beatles reaction puzzles even psychologists

    From the February 29, 1964, issue: Psychologists are as puzzled as parents over the explosive effect the Beatles are having on American teen-agers.

  12. Science & Society

    This study of hype in press releases will change journalism

    A survey of press releases and their related scientific studies shows that hype may creep from press releases to news coverage. But this doesn’t give anyone at any stage of the news cycle a pass.
