Search Results for: coronavirus

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509 results
  1. Psychology

    A simple exercise on belonging helps black college students years later

    Black college freshmen who did a one-hour training on belonging reported higher professional and personal satisfaction years later.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Door-to-door tests help track COVID-19’s spread in one Oregon town

    Surveying neighborhoods directly may give a more accurate view than mail-in tests and other methods, researchers say.

  3. Anthropology

    Skeletal damage hints some hunter-gatherer women fought in battles

    Contrary to traditional views, women in North American hunter-gatherer societies and Mongolian herding groups likely weren’t all stay-at-home types.

  4. Ecosystems

    Bringing sea otters back to the Pacific coast pays off, but not for everyone

    Benefits of reintroducing sea otters in the Pacific Northwest, such as boosting tourism, vastly outweigh the costs, a new analysis shows.

  5. Environment

    What we know and don’t know about wildfire smoke’s health risks

    As wildfires become more frequent and severe in California, Oregon and throughout the West Coast, concerns rise about harmful air pollution.

  6. Climate

    These 6 books explore climate change science and solutions

    Science News staff read recent books about climate change to help guide you to which ones you might like.

  7. Science & Society

    What the 1960s civil rights protests can teach us about fighting racism today

    Princeton political scientist Omar Wasow talks about how his research into violent versus nonviolent protests applies to the current moment.

  8. Animals

    Dancing peacock spiders turned an arachnophobe into an arachnologist

    Just 22, Joseph Schubert has described 12 of 86 peacock spider species. One with a blue and yellow abdomen is named after Van Gogh’s Starry Night.

  9. Planetary Science

    How upcoming missions to Mars will help predict its wild dust storms

    Predicting the weather on Mars is essential for landing and keeping rovers — or astronauts — safe on the surface. The next Mars missions will give forecasts a boost.

  10. Health & Medicine

    A new coronavirus is killing pigs in China

    Genetic evidence identifies a previously unknown coronavirus that’s causing problems in pigs.

  11. Science & Society

    Introducing the Transparency Project

    The Transparency Project aims to be more open and accountable to readers by explaining key coverage decisions and showing how science journalism happens.

  12. Life

    How much space does nature need? 30 percent of the planet may not be enough

    Nations are drafting a plan to protect 30 percent of Earth by 2030 to save biodiversity. The number reflects politics more than scientific consensus.
