Search Results for: Geology

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7,733 results
  1. Anthropology

    Human ancestors at West Asian site deemed two species

    Researchers see two species instead of one at oldest known Homo site outside Africa.

  2. Animals

    Deadly bat disease gets easier to diagnose

    White-nose syndrome in bats can be spotted with UV light, scientists have found.

  3. Environment

    Carbon capture and storage finally approaching debut

    Carbon capture and storage offers a way to rein in global carbon emissions. But financial and regulatory obstacles, as well as public fears, are delaying the technology’s long-awaited implementation.

  4. Climate

    IPCC calls for swift switch to alternative power

    Rapid adoption of green power production will be necessary to avert a climate crisis, latest IPCC report says.

  5. Life

    The Monkey’s Voyage

    By 26 million years ago, the ancestors of today’s New World monkeys had arrived in South America. How those primates reached the continent is something of a conundrum.

  6. Climate

    Ocean bacteria may have shut off ancient global warming

    Ocean-dwelling bacteria may have helped end global warming 56 million years ago by gobbling up carbon from the CO2-laden atmosphere.

  7. Ecosystems

    Dam demolition lets the Elwha River run free

    Removing a dam involves more than impressive explosions. Releasing a river like Washington state's Elwha transforms the landscape and restores important pathways for native fish.

  8. Paleontology

    Fossils suggest ancient sharks survived extinction event

    Diving down deep in the ocean may have helped the fish live through the Great Dying 350 million years ago.

  9. Ecosystems

    If you really hate a species, try eating it

    Dining on invasive fish such as snakehead and lionfish can reduce their numbers, but we can’t entirely eat our way out this problem.

  10. Oceans

    Extremely salty water is at least 100 million years old

    Supersaline sediments off East Coast shed light on Atlantic Ocean’s early history.

  11. Planetary Science

    Sinkholes, tectonics may have shaped Titan’s lakes and seas

    A map of Saturn’s largest moon reveals clues about the object's landscape.

  12. Earth

    The Sixth Extinction

    On only five occasions in Earth’s long history has a large fraction of the planet’s biodiversity disappeared in a geological instant. But, journalist Kolbert reminds us in her new book, we are well on our way to making it six.
