Search Results for: Robotics

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1,529 results
  1. Math

    Slime mold is master network engineer

    Single-cell organism develops food distribution system that is as efficient as the Tokyo rail system; inspires new math model for designing dynamic systems.

  2. Earth

    BP oil rig’s sinking and gushing crude raise questions

    Around 10 p.m. local time on April 20, the Deepwater Horizon — a floating oil-drilling platform leased to British Petroleum — suffered an explosion and fire about 40 miles off the Louisiana coast. While the aftermath of that devastating accident is now being observed and chronicled in painful detail, even the most basic features of what triggered it remain sketchy.

  3. Earth

    Gulf gusher is far and away the biggest U.S. spill

    As cleanup efforts progress, scientists try to track missing oil roaming below the surface.

  4. Space

    New moon view

    Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter releases detailed images

  5. Space

    Heat-seeking WISE spacecraft to scan the skies

    The new instrument promises to discover millions of infrared-bright galaxies and thousands of previously unknown asteroids and brown dwarfs.

  6. Life

    Locust wings built for the long haul

    Flexible wings help locusts maximize efficiency in flight, new research shows.

  7. Animals

    Lizard push-ups grab attention

    Nearby lizards more likely to get the message if its preceded by push-ups

  8. Tech

    Technology: Science news of the year, 2008

    Science News writers and editors looked back at the past year's stories and selected a handful as the year's most interesting and important in Technology. Follow hotlinks to the full, original stories.

  9. Astronomy

    Healing Hubble

    A retrospective on the final Hubble Space Telescope repair mission.

  10. Space

    Moon crash delivers no obvious plume

    But the two impacts still yield data that could help in search for water

  11. Plants

    How maple fruits fall

    A new study analyzes the features that help maple seeds stay airborne.

  12. Chemistry

    Engineered bacteria create high-energy biofuel

    Scientists alter E. coli microbes to make a high-energy alcohol not produced naturally
