Search Results for: desert ecosystem

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146 results
  1. Planetary Science

    What does Mars’ lake mean for the search for life on the Red Planet?

    A lake spotted hiding under Martian ice could support life, but finding out if anything lives there could be challenging.

  2. Ecosystems

    Moonlight shapes how some animals move, grow and even sing

    The moon’s light influences lion prey behavior, dung beetle navigation, fish growth, mass migrations and birdsong.

  3. Animals

    Slower speed, tricky turns give prey a chance against cheetahs and lions

    A bonanza of data on wild predators running shows that hunting is more than sprinting.

  4. Climate

    Rising temperatures threaten heat-tolerant aardvarks

    Aardvarks may get a roundabout hit from climate change — less food.

  5. Animals

    An echidna’s to-do list: Sleep. Eat. Dig up Australia.

    Short-beaked echidna’s to-do list looks good for a continent losing other digging mammals.

  6. Animals

    Camera trap catches a badger burying a cow

    Badgers are known to bury small animals to save them for future eating. Now researchers have caught them caching something much bigger: young cows.

  7. Climate

    Phytoplankton rapidly disappearing from the Indian Ocean

    Phytoplankton populations in the Indian Ocean fell 30 percent over the last 16 years largely due to global warming, new research suggests.

  8. Planetary Science

    Juno is closing in on Jupiter

    After 5 years of travel, Juno will soon reach Jupiter and begin its up close investigations of the giant planet.

  9. Animals

    ‘Planet of the Bugs’ reveals the secrets to insects’ success

    Entomologist Scott Richard Shaw explores the evolution of insects and how they came to rule the world.

  10. Animals

    Aboriginal lizard hunting boosts kangaroo numbers

    An aboriginal technique for hunting lizards with fire in Western Australia feeds wallaroo populations.

  11. Anthropology

    Hunting boosts lizard numbers in Australian desert

    Reptiles prefer to live in places aboriginal people have burned.

  12. Ecosystems

    Cities are brimming with wildlife worth studying

    Urban ecologists are getting a handle on the varieties of wildlife — including fungi, ants, bats and coyotes — that share sidewalks, parks and alleyways with a city’s human residents.
