Search Results for: Platypus

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92 results
  1. All kinds of tired

    Donkeys sleep about three out of each 24 hours. Certain reef fish spend the night moving their fins as if swimming in their sleep. Some biologists argue that all animals sleep in some form or another. But identifying sleep can get complicated. Insects have brain architecture so different from humans’, for example, that electrophysiological recordings […]

  2. Venom hunters

    Scientists probe toxins, revealing the healing powers of biochemical weapons.

  3. Life

    Molecular Evolution

    Investigating the genetic books of life reveals new details of 'descent with modification' and the forces driving it.

  4. Life

    Duckbill decoded

    With a mix of reptilian, bird and mammalian features, the duck-billed platypus genome looks as strange as the animal.

  5. Life

    Genes & Cells: Science news of the year, 2008

    Science News writers and editors looked back at the past year's stories and selected a handful as the year's most interesting and important in Genes & Cells. Follow hotlinks to the full, original stories.

  6. Science & Society

    BOOK REVIEW | The Score: How the Quest for Sex Has Shaped the Modern Man

    Review by Tia Ghose.

  7. Paleontology

    Twice upon a Time

    New fossil finds suggest that the complex features of mammals originated earlier than previously thought and might even have evolved independently in different mammalian lineages.

  8. Math

    A frustrating view of complexity

    The unifying theme of complex systems, a researcher argues, is frustration.

  9. Paleontology

    Out of the Shadows

    An ongoing flurry of fossil finds is triggering a reevaluation of how early mammals and their close kin eked out an existence during the Age of Dinosaurs.

  10. Paleontology

    Killer Bite: Ancient, tiny mammal probably used venom

    Paleontologists have unearthed the remains of an ancient, mouse-size mammal that seems to have had a venomous bite.

  11. Paleontology

    Groovy Bones: Mammalian ear structure evolved more than once

    Fossils of an ancient egg-laying mammal indicate that the characteristic configuration of the bones in all living mammals' ears arose independently at least twice during the group's evolution.

  12. 19031

    I found the article on Welwitschia enthralling–it made me want to set off for the Namibian desert straightaway! The author mentions that a local name for the plant is “long-haired thing,” but an even more evocative and picturesque one is the Afrikaans tweeblarkanniedood (two-leaf-cannot-die). Darwin was fascinated when he learned of Welwitschia and its extraordinary […]
