Search Results for: Geology

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7,733 results
  1. Materials Science

    Artificial intelligence helped scientists create a new type of battery 

    It took just 80 hours, rather than decades, to identify a potential new solid electrolyte using a combination of supercomputing and AI.

  2. Climate

    ‘Our Fragile Moment’ finds modern lessons in Earth’s history of climate

    Michael Mann’s latest book, Our Fragile Moment, looks through Earth’s history to understand the current climate crisis.

  3. Space

    How ‘Our Moon’ shaped life on Earth and human history

    Science News reviews Rebecca Boyle’s new wide-ranging book, which tells the story of the moon and its relationship with the inhabitants of Earth.

  4. Scientific meetings — it’s nice to see you again

    Executive editor Elizabeth Quill discusses the importance of covering scientific meetings.

  5. Animals

    Pumping cold water into rivers could act as ‘air conditioning’ for fish

    Hundreds of salmon, trout and other fish sought shelter from summer heat in human-made shelters, suggesting a way to help fish adapt to river warming.

  6. Planetary Science

    NASA’s OSIRIS-REx nabbed over 120 grams of space rocks from asteroid Bennu

    After being stymied by two stuck screws, NASA finally accessed a trove of Bennu asteroid bits. Mission scientist Harold Connolly tells what’s next.

  7. Paleontology

    New computer analysis hints volcanism killed the dinosaurs, not an asteroid

    Scientists take a creative approach to investigating what caused the mass extinction 66 million years ago, but the debate is far from settled.

  8. Climate

    How powdered rock could help slow climate change

    A method called enhanced rock weathering shows promise at capturing carbon dioxide from the air. But verifying the carbon removal is a challenge.

  9. Astronomy

    The black hole–powered jet in galaxy M87 is making stars explode

    Hubble Space Telescope data show a surprising number of nova blasts along the jet of high-speed gas coming from the galaxy M87.

  10. Space

    Salty water may have flowed near Mars’ equator as recently as 400,000 years ago

    Crusts and cracks on Martian sand dunes are a sign salty water flowed near the equator thousands, not billions, of years ago — and may still exist.

  11. Rock from the impact that formed the moon may linger in Earth’s mantle

    When the young Earth and a Mars-sized body collided 4.5 billion years ago, it left behind dense mantle rock that survives to today, a study finds.

  12. Plants

    On some Australian islands, sea level rise may be helping mangroves thrive

    Rising seas usually spell trouble for mangroves. But the first survey of the Howick Islands in 50 years finds that mangroves there have expanded a lot.
