Search Results for: Cephalopod

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98 results
  1. Life

    Bobtail squid coat their eggs in antifungal goo

    Hawaiian bobtail squid keep their eggs fungus-free with the help of bacteria.

  2. Animals

    New ‘Poké Ball’ robot catches deep-sea critters without harming them

    A machine that gently catches and releases animals underwater could help researchers take a more detailed census of the deep sea.

  3. Paleontology

    Fossil teeth show how a mass extinction scrambled shark evolution

    The dinosaur-destroying mass extinction event didn’t wipe out sharks, but it did change their fate.

  4. Paleontology

    An ancient swimming revolution in the oceans may have never happened

    Swimmers may not have suddenly dominated the oceans during the Devonian Period after all: New analyses suggest they took over much more gradually.

  5. Animals

    How a deep-sea geology trip led researchers to a doomed octopus nursery

    A healthy population of cephalopods could be hiding nearby, though, a new study contends.

  6. Tech

    A new soft bot mimics octopuses and inchworms to climb walls

    A new soft robot that scales walls could help with surveillance or building inspections.

  7. Tech

    Watch this cuttlefish-inspired ‘skin’ morph into a 3-D shape

    New silicone material mimics cephalopod shape-shifting for quick camouflage.

  8. Genetics

    Cephalopods may have traded evolution gains for extra smarts

    Editing RNA may give cephalopods smarts, but there’s a trade-off.

  9. Paleontology

    A baby ichthyosaur’s last meal revealed

    A new look at an old fossil shows that some species of baby ichthyosaurs may have dined on squid.

  10. Paleontology

    A baby ichthyosaur’s last meal revealed

    A new look at an old fossil shows that some species of baby ichthyosaurs may have dined on squid.

  11. Genetics

    New CRISPR gene editors can fix RNA and DNA one typo at a time

    New gene editors can correct common typos that lead to disease.

  12. Life

    Readers wrangle with definition of ‘species’

    Readers asked about the definition of "species," a new atomic clock and how a neutron star collision produces heavy elements.
