Search Results for: Arachnid

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138 results
  1. We revisit last year’s COVID-19 questions, readers weigh in on tuataras and more

  2. Life

    Ogre-faced spiders catch insects out of the air using sound instead of sight

    A new study finds that ogre-faced spiders can hear a surprisingly wide range of sounds.

  3. Animals

    Jumping spiders’ remarkable senses capture a world beyond our perception

    Clever experiments and new technology are taking scientists deep into the lives of jumping spiders, and opening a portal to their experience of the world.

  4. Animals

    Bright yellow spots help some orb weaver spiders lure their next meal

    Experiments with cardboard arachnids suggest that orb weaver spiders have evolved yellow colorations on their undersides to attract bees and moths.

  5. Animals

    A year after Australia’s wildfires, extinction threatens hundreds of species

    As experts piece together a fuller picture of the scale of damage to wildlife, more than 500 species may need to be listed as endangered.

  6. Astronomy

    Questions about solar storms, slingshot spiders and more reader feedback

    Readers had questions about solar storms, a robotic gripper, slingshot spiders and more.

  7. Animals

    Peacock spiders’ superblack spots reflect just 0.5 percent of light

    By manipulating light with tiny structures, patches on peacock spiders appear superblack, helping accentuate the arachnids’ bright colors.

  8. Animals

    Dancing peacock spiders turned an arachnophobe into an arachnologist

    Just 22, Joseph Schubert has described 12 of 86 peacock spider species. One with a blue and yellow abdomen is named after Van Gogh’s Starry Night.

  9. Materials Science

    Bacteria can be coaxed into making the toughest kind of spider silk

    Lab-altered bacteria have made a copy of a spider’s strongest silk strands, which could one day be used to make more sturdy materials.

  10. Science & Society

    ‘End Times’ explores the catastrophic events that could kill us all

    A new book looks at the threats that could wipe out humankind and what can be done to counteract them.

  11. Life

    This spider slingshots itself at extreme speeds to catch prey

    By winding up its web like a slingshot, the slingshot spider achieves an acceleration rate far faster than a cheetah’s.

  12. Animals

    Australian fires have incinerated the habitats of up to 100 threatened species

    Hundreds of fires that are blazing across the continent’s southeast have created an unprecedented ecological disaster, scientists say.
