Search Results for: Bears

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6,745 results
  1. Ecosystems

    ‘Earth: A New Wild’ puts people in the picture

    PBS nature series ‘Earth: A New Wild’ shows humans living with, and not off, their environments

  2. Animals

    When swimming with manatees, mind the herd

    Manatees hang out in Florida’s Crystal River; tourists can choose a mindful visit or a harmful one

  3. Animals

    Lacking ice, huge walrus herd congregates on Alaska shore

    A large group of walruses has hauled out on the beach near Point Lay, Alaska. The animals have been forced onto shore due to a lack of sea ice in the region.

  4. Animals

    Biologists aflutter over just where monarchs are declining

    Citizen science data fuel debate over whether weed control ruined monarch habitat and whether the butterflies are failing to reach their Mexican winter refuge.

  5. Anthropology

    Scans tell gripping tale of possible ancient tool use

    South African fossils contain inner signs of humanlike hands, indicating possible tool use nearly 3 million years ago.

  6. Physics

    The science of avalanches

    High-tech instruments are helping researchers study how temperature can change the character — and danger — of an avalanche

  7. Anthropology

    Ritual cannibalism occurred in England 14,700 years ago

    Human bones show signs of ritual cannibalism in England 14,700 years ago.

  8. Genetics

    Finally, some solid science on Bigfoot

    DNA analysis finds no Bigfoot, no yeti, two weird bears and one scientist on a quest for the truth.

  9. Anthropology

    Ancient hominids moved into Greece about 206,000 years ago

    New analysis puts people at a contested Greek site about 206,000 years ago.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Mom’s weight during pregnancy shapes baby’s health

    Obesity at conception or during pregnancy is a big problem that's getting bigger: New evidence says a child's mental health could be at stake.

  11. Science & Society

    NCAA tournament puts prediction strategies to the test

    When it comes to strategies for building the most winning bracket during March Madness, all bets are off.

  12. Anthropology

    ‘The Invaders’ sees dogs as key to modern humans’ success

    Neandertals went extinct when Homo sapiens transformed wolves into hunting aids, author proposes.
