Search Results for: coronavirus

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509 results
  1. Astronomy

    When James Webb launches, it will have a bigger to-do list than 1980s researchers suspected

    The James Webb Space Telescope has been in development for so long that space science has changed in the meantime.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Can plasma from recovered COVID-19 patients treat the sick?

    Researchers are racing to set up clinical trials of antibody-rich convalescent plasma from recovered patients to treat or prevent COVID-19.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Face mask shortages have sparked creative solutions. Will they work?

    Homemade masks, reusing masks and even scuba gear are some of the ideas for dealing with health care workers’ lack of supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  4. When the human body outwits a deadly virus

    Editor in chief Nancy Shute writes about triumphs of the human immune system over HIV.

  5. Science & Society

    How our SN 10 scientists have responded to tumultuous times

    COVID-19, social justice movements and the realities of climate change have given our Scientists to Watch new perspective.

  6. Psychology

    ‘Deaths of despair’ are rising. It’s time to define despair

    A sense of defeat, not mental ailments, may be derailing the lives of less-educated people in the United States.

  7. Space

    To rehearse Perseverance’s mission, scientists pretended to be a Mars rover

    Seven Mars scientists pretended to be the Mars Perseverance rover on a training exercise in the Nevada desert.

  8. Science & Society

    Videocalling needed more than a pandemic to finally take off. Will it last?

    Zoom and social distancing ushered in the futuristic videophone fantasy AT&T wanted and consumers rejected for decades.

  9. Health & Medicine

    COVID-19 can affect the brain. New clues hint at how

    Anxiety, depression and strokes can occur after infection, leaving experts to determine how the virus affects the brain.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Infecting people with COVID-19 could speed vaccine trials. Is it worth it?

    To accelerate vaccine development, some experts argue we should purposefully infect volunteers with the coronavirus. Others warn of the risks.

  11. Health & Medicine

    No, you can’t hear the difference between sick and healthy coughs

    A study shows humans can’t distinguish between the sound of a cough from someone with an infectious disease and someone with a tickle in the throat.

  12. Science & Society

    How COVID-19 worsened gender inequality in the U.S. workforce

    Compared with men, the pandemic disproportionately hurt working women, including mothers of young children.
