Search Results for: Vertebrates

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1,505 results
  1. Consciousness in the Raw

    Observations of children born without most of the brain's outer layer, or cortex, and evidence from animal studies suggest that a basic form of consciousness may arise from the brain stem alone.

  2. Humans

    European chemical legislation adopted

    A groundbreaking chemical law, passed by the European Parliament on Dec. 13, is set to fundamentally change the evaluation and production of chemicals used throughout the European Union. The Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals (REACH) law, which will go into effect in June 2007, takes a different approach than current U.S. policy does. It […]

  3. Animals

    No-Dad Dragons: Komodos reproduce without males

    Two female Komodo dragons in zoos have startled their keepers by laying viable eggs without males, possibly as a last resort at a time when mates are in increasingly short supply.

  4. Health & Medicine

    A Different Side of Estrogen

    Understanding estrogen's function is complicated by the fact that it can bind to two distinct receptors; scientists studying the second receptor now think that drugs targeting it could help a wide variety of ailments.

  5. Paleontology

    DNA analysis reveals extinct type of wolf

    New genetic analyses of the remains of gray wolves found in Alaska indicate that a distinct subpopulation of that species disappeared at the end of the last ice age, possibly because of its dietary habits.

  6. Paleontology

    Rodents tell a geologic tale

    The sudden appearance of many new species of rodents in Chile about 18 million years ago may have marked the rise of the southern Andes.

  7. Air’s oxygen content constrains insect growth

    The size to which insects grow is limited by their need to route oxygen to tissues in their legs.

  8. Paleontology

    Early tetrapod likely ate on shore

    The skull structure of Acanthostega, a semiaquatic creature that lived about 365 million years ago, suggests that the animal fed on shore or in the shallows, not in deep water.

  9. Paleontology

    Society sans frills

    The discovery of the fossils of several young dinosaurs in one small space suggests that the members of one dinosaur group evolved complex social behaviors millions of years earlier than previously suspected.

  10. Paleontology

    Amphibious Ancestors

    Newly discovered fossils from Greenland, as well as a reexamination of those of previously known creatures, are providing researchers with additional insights into ancient vertebrates' move from water to land.

  11. Ecosystems

    Tortoise Genes and Island Beings

    Geneticists and conservation biologists are joining forces to untangle the evolutionary history of giant Galápagos tortoises and to safeguard the animals' future.

  12. Animals

    Extreme Tongue: Bat excels at saying ‘Aah’

    The new champion among mammals at sticking out its tongue is a small bat from Ecuador.
