Search Results for: Fish

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8,095 results
  1. Animals

    These caterpillars march. They fluff. They scare London.

    Oak processionary moths have invaded England and threatened the pleasure of spring breezes.

  2. Oceans

    Here’s a breakdown of the animals that crossed the Pacific on 2011 tsunami debris

    Hundreds of marine animals from Japan have washed up on U.S. beaches since the destructive 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

  3. Environment

    Most fish turned into fishmeal are species that we could be eating

    Millions of tons of food-grade fish are turned into fishmeal for aquaculture and agriculture.

  4. Animals

    Readers fascinated by critters’ strange biology

    Readers responded to fish lips, monkey brains, sunless tanner and more.

  5. Archaeology

    Europe’s Stone Age fishers used beeswax to make a point

    Late Stone Age Europeans made spears with beeswax adhesive.

  6. Paleontology

    A baby ichthyosaur’s last meal revealed

    A new look at an old fossil shows that some species of baby ichthyosaurs may have dined on squid.

  7. Animals

    A researcher reveals the shocking truth about electric eels

    A biologist records the electrical current traveling through his arm during an electric eel’s defensive leap attack.

  8. Paleontology

    A baby ichthyosaur’s last meal revealed

    A new look at an old fossil shows that some species of baby ichthyosaurs may have dined on squid.

  9. Animals

    Melatonin makes midshipman fish sing

    Melatonin lets people sleep but starts male midshipman fish melodiously humming their hearts out.

  10. Astronomy

    86 stars get official names

    The International Astronomical Union has released 86 newly official star names, based, in part, on historical star names from various indigenous cultures.

  11. Animals

    Female guppies with bigger brains pick more attractive guys

    A larger-brained female guppy may pick primo males, but all that mental machinery costs her in other ways.

  12. Animals

    One creature’s meal is another’s pain in the butt

    Kelp and dolphin gulls in Patagonia have found a new food source. But they accidentally injure fur seal pups to get it.
