Search Results for: Primates

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1,416 results
  1. Anthropology

    Red-Ape Stroll

    Wild orangutans regularly walk upright through the trees, raising the controversial possibility that the two-legged stance is not unique to hominids.

  2. Copycat Monkeys: Macaque babies ape adults’ facial feats

    Scientists for the first time have established that baby monkeys, shortly after birth, imitate facial movements made by people and adult monkeys.

  3. Anthropology

    Fossil Sparks

    Two new fossil discoveries and an analysis of ancient teeth challenge traditional assumptions about ape and human evolution.

  4. Animals

    How do female lemurs get so tough?

    Female ring-tailed lemurs may get masculinized by well-timed little rises of prenatal hormones.

  5. Animals

    Chicken Speak: Birds pass test for fancy communication

    The chicken may be the first animal other than primates that's been shown to make sounds that, like words, represent something in the environment. With audio.

  6. Anthropology

    Hybrid-Driven Evolution: Genomes show complexity of human-chimp split

    A controversial new genetic comparison suggests that human and chimpanzee ancestors interbred for several million years before evolving into reproductively separate species no more than 6.3 million years ago.

  7. Paleontology

    Paleotrickery: A lengthy lineage for leaf-mimicking insects

    Species in one group of insects have escaped the hungry eye of predators by looking like foliage and moving like swaying leaves for at least 47 million years, a new fossil find suggests.

  8. Chimps creep closer yet

    Humans evolved most slowly of all primates, with chimps a close second.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Brain Attack

    Although they have explored many promising ideas, scientists are finding it difficult to develop new treatments to limit the damage caused by ischemic strokes.

  10. Animals

    Grammar’s for the Birds: Human-only language rule? Tell starlings

    A grammatical pattern called recursion, once proposed as unique to human language, turns out to fall within the learning abilities of starlings.

  11. Health & Medicine

    At iconic Asian temple, monkeys harbor viruses

    Temple sites in South and Southeast Asia that offer refuge to monkeys also shelter monkey viruses.

  12. Animals

    Babbling Bats: Do pups talk baby talk as human infants do?

    Young sac-winged bats make long strings of adultlike noises and could be the first animals besides some primates and birds that babble when they're babies.
