Search Results for: Vertebrates

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1,505 results
  1. Life

    Climate warms, creatures head for the hills

    Unusual data let scientists test predictions that global warming drives species up slopes.

  2. Animals

    Swarm Savvy

    How bees, ants and other animals avoid dumb collective decisions

  3. Animals

    Antibiotic Alligator: Promising proteins lurk in reptile blood

    Scientists are zeroing in on alligator blood proteins that show promise for fighting disease-causing microbes.

  4. Paleontology

    From China, the tiniest pterodactyl

    Researchers excavating the fossil-rich rocks of northeastern China have discovered yet another paleontological marvel: a flying reptile the size of a sparrow.

  5. Animals

    Not Your Ordinary Amphibians

    They resemble mondo worms or perhaps eels and snakes. But caecilians (seh sil yenz) are actually legless amphibians, and along with deep sea fishes are among the least well known vertebrates on the planet. Some run to a meter or more in length. Although information on these elusive animals and photos of them are hard […]

  6. Life

    Duckbill decoded

    With a mix of reptilian, bird and mammalian features, the duck-billed platypus genome looks as strange as the animal.

  7. The decider

    Informing the debate over the reality of ‘free will’ requires learning something about the lateral habenula.

  8. Animals

    Hatch a Thief: Brains incline birds toward a life of crime

    When it comes to a bird family's propensity to pilfer, a larger than usual brain for a particular body size is more important than body size alone.

  9. Life

    How the snake got its fangs

    A study of snake embryos suggests that fangs evolved once, then moved around in the head to give today’s snakes a variety of bites.

  10. Life

    Bring out your dead cells

    A protein called Six-Microns-Under turns certain fruit fly brain cells into undertakers to clear away dead neighbors.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Bone Builder: Drug may offer steroid users new protection against fractures

    A bone-growth medication called teriparatide outperforms the standard bone-preserving drug alendronate in people with steroid-induced osteoporosis.

  12. Agriculture

    Fishy Data on Weed Killer

    A popular weed killer can feminize wildlife by tinkering with a gene that indirectly affects the production of sex hormones.
