Search Results for: Geology

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7,733 results
  1. Planetary Science

    Chinese rover reveals moon’s layers

    Radar imaging done by China’s Yutu lunar rover reveals that the moon’s geological history could be more complex than once thought.

  2. Planetary Science

    Five surprising discoveries about Pluto

    Here are five key (though not necessarily new) findings in the paper that epitomize the surprising complexity of the Pluto system.

  3. Neuroscience

    Shifting views of brain cells, and other fresh perspectives

    The details emerging from the latest work on glial cells are sure to yield more insights as scientists continue their struggle to understand the mind.

  4. Animals

    Some seabirds will be hit hard by sea level rise

    Seabird species that nest on low-lying islands in stormy winter months could see huge losses as sea levels rise, a new study finds.

  5. Earth

    Plate loss gave chain of Pacific islands and seamounts a bend

    The sinking Izanagi tectonic plate may have rerouted the mantle flow beneath the Pacific, halting the Hawaiian hot spot.

  6. Oceans

    UV light reveals hidden patterns on seashell fossils

    Under UV light, fossil seashell color patterns glow, a researcher finds.

  7. Earth

    Volcanic lightning forges tiny glass balls from airborne ash

    The lightning that crackles through volcanic plumes can melt ash into tiny glass beads.

  8. Animals

    An island in the Maldives is made of parrotfish poop

    Coral-eating parrotfish create much of the sediment that a reef island is made of, a new study finds.

  9. Planetary Science

    Support grows for a return to ice giants Uranus and Neptune

    Thirty years ago, Voyager 2 cruised past Uranus and then on to Neptune. Now planetary scientists think it’s time to go back.

  10. Earth

    Volcanic activity convicted in Permian extinction

    Precision dating confirms that Siberian volcanic eruptions could have triggered the Permian extinction.

  11. Earth

    Dinosaurs may not have seen the Grand Canyon after all

    New geologic comparisons peg the Grand Canyon’s inception well after dinosaurs went extinct.

  12. Planetary Science

    How alien can a planet be and still support life?

    Geoscientists imagine the unearthly mechanisms that could keep alien planets habitable.
