Search Results for: Bears

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6,745 results
  1. Animals

    Finland’s brown bears on surprise fast track to recover diversity

    Brown bears in southern Finland show surprisingly fast improvements in genetic diversity and connections with other bears.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Having parasites can boost fertility

    Infection with parasitic worms tinkers with fertility.

  3. Animals

    Pandas’ gut bacteria resemble carnivores’

    Unlike other vegetarians, the bamboo eaters lack plant-digesting microbes.

  4. Animals

    Eggs and other land foods won’t feed polar bears

    Polar bears will not be able to survive on land by eating birds, eggs and vegetation, a new review concludes.

  5. Animals

    Evidence of ‘yeti’ probably came from a Himalayan black bear

    Last year, a genetic analysis revealed two hairs from an unknown species of bear in Asia. A new study finds that they belong to rare Himalayan black bears.

  6. Animals

    Color of light sets dung beetles straight

    Dung beetles may rely on green and ultraviolet colors in the sky to help orient themselves.

  7. Animals

    Animals give clues to the origins of human number crunching

    Guppies, dogs, chickens, crows, spiders — lots of animals have number sense without knowing numbers.

  8. Animals

    Giant pandas live in the slow lane

    Giant pandas burn far less energy than similarly sized land mammals.

  9. Archaeology

    Easter Island people used sharpened stones as tools, not weapons

    Sharp-edged stone tools enabled daily survival, not warfare, on Easter Island.

  10. Genetics

    Ancient DNA tells of two origins for dogs

    Genetic analysis of an ancient Irish mutt reveals complicated history of dog domestication.

  11. Tech

    For robots, artificial intelligence gets physical

    Physical intelligence makes robots able to sense of the world around them.

  12. Archaeology

    Babylonians used geometry to track Jupiter’s movements

    Babylonians took a geometric leap to track Jupiter’s movements long before European astronomers did.
