Search Results for: Robotics

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1,529 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Thou can’t not covet

    Wanting what others have may be hardwired in the brain, experiments suggest.

  2. Astronomy

    Curiosity to look for habitable environs

    Set to land on Mars August 5, NASA mission will search for signs that the planet could support life, now or long ago.

  3. Planetary Science

    Curiosity lands safely on Mars

    Lowered by sky crane onto the surface, NASA rover prepares to look for signs that life could have evolved on the Red Planet.

  4. Humans

    Brain’s mirror system loves the robot

    Experiments that shed light on how the "monkey see, monkey do" part works may suggest why we feel sad for Wall-E.

  5. Animals

    How a mosquito survives a raindrop hit

    Lightweight insects can ride a water droplet, as long as they separate from it before hitting the ground.

  6. SN Online

    SCIENCE & SOCIETYPlants, algae and fungi can now be named online and in English. Read “Botanists et al freed from Latin, paper.” Thomas Libby, Evan Chang-Siu, Pauline Jennings, Courtesy of PolyPEDAL Lab & CiBER/UC Berkeley LIFE Videos and robots show how reptiles use their tails to balance in midair. See “Measuring the leap of a […]

  7. Tech

    Court ‘shares’ researchers’ e-mails, intellectual property

    “A situation has arisen involving scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) that should concern all those who value the principles of academic freedom and responsibility,” warns top WHOI officials. They were responding to a court order requiring that two WHOI scientists turn over 3,500 emails and other documents to BP. Included in the information was intellectual property that outsiders could exploit.

  8. Humans

    Social Media Sway

    Worries over political misinformation on Twitter attract scientists’ attention.

  9. Planetary Science

    A lifetime of curiosity: An interview with JPL director Charles Elachi

    Nadia Drake speaks with the lab head days before the Mars Science Laboratory’s scheduled landing.

  10. Tech

    The 3-D Printing Revolution

    Using a technique known as 3-D printing, regular people can now make goods typically produced in huge quantities in factories overseas.

  11. The Sorcerers and Their Apprentices: How the Digital Magicians of the MIT Media Lab Are Creating the Innovative Technologies That Will Transform Our Lives by Frank Moss

    Preview some of the new technologies that the digital wizards at the MIT Media Lab are cooking up, from a foldable car to robotic feet. Crown Business, 2011, 272 p., $27.50

  12. 2011 Science News of the Year: Technology

    Courtesy of J. Rogers Epidermal electronics Scientists have created an ultrathin electronic device that puckers, stretches, wrinkles and bends just like human skin (SN: 9/10/11, p. 10). This flexible patch could one day allow the human body to enter the digital world, enabling Internet browsing without the mouse or communication without words. The patch’s electronics […]
