Search Results for: coronavirus

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509 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Redefining ‘flesh-colored’ bandages makes medicine more inclusive

    Peach-colored bandages label dark-skinned patients as outside the norm, says med student Linda Oyesiku. Brown bandages expand who gets to be normal.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Steroids reduce deaths of critically ill COVID-19 patients, WHO confirms

    The finding strengthens evidence that clinicians should give the drugs to people who are severely sick from the coronavirus.

  3. Health & Medicine

    How the new coronavirus stacks up against SARS and MERS

    Coronaviruses are a diverse family that may be becoming more threatening to people.

  4. Health & Medicine

    No, snakes probably aren’t the source of that new coronavirus in China

    Scientists are skeptical about a new study that pinpoints snakes as the animal reservoir for the ongoing coronavirus outbreak in China.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Cruise ship outbreak helps pin down how deadly the new coronavirus is

    Infections and deaths on the Diamond Princess suggest that, in the real world, 0.5 percent of COVID-19 infections in China end in death.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Coronavirus’s genetic fingerprints are used to rapidly map its spread

    Fast and widespread scientific data sharing and genetic testing have created a picture of how the new coronavirus spreads.

  7. Health & Medicine

    COVID-19 case clusters offer lessons and warnings for reopening

    As restaurants, offices and other businesses open, trends in where and how COVID-19 transmission is happening could help guide re-entry strategies.

  8. Microbes

    These climate-friendly microbes recycle carbon without producing methane

    A newly discovered group of single-celled archaea break down decaying plants without adding the greenhouse gas methane to the atmosphere.

  9. Health & Medicine

    What does COVID-19 vaccine efficacy mean?

    The initial goal for a vaccine against COVID-19 is to reduce cases of the disease by at least 50 percent in those vaccinated versus those not.

  10. Genetics

    No, the coronavirus wasn’t made in a lab. A genetic analysis shows it’s from nature

    Scientists took conspiracy theories seriously and analyzed the coronavirus to reveal its natural origins.

  11. Health & Medicine

    The new COVID-19 drug remdesivir is here. Now what?

    Remdesivir may shorten recovery time for some people, but it isn’t available to everyone and it won’t end the pandemic on its own.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Just breathing or talking may be enough to spread COVID-19 after all

    Until now, experts have said that the virus spreads only through large droplets released when people cough or sneeze, but it may spread more easily.
