Search Results for: Primates

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1,416 results
  1. Animals

    I, Magpie

    Some magpies recognize themselves in mirrors, indicating that a basic form of self-recognition evolved in one family of birds.

  2. Building Beauty

    Deconstructing flowers yields the secrets of petals, scents and hue.

  3. Health & Medicine

    New technique brings Parkinson’s treatment closer

    An efficient technique to make dopamine-producing nerve cells from human embryonic stem cells could mark a step toward devising therapies for Parkinson's disease.

  4. Shared Differences

    The architecture of our genomes is anything but basic.

  5. Animals

    Swarm Savvy

    How bees, ants and other animals avoid dumb collective decisions

  6. Animals

    Squeaky chimp sex, or not

    Female chimps tend toward silent sex when the other girls could overhear.

  7. Animals

    Not Your Father’s Song

    The next generation of birds chooses its music.

  8. Computing

    Computing Evolution

    Scientists sift through genetic data sets to better map twisting branches in the tree of life.

  9. Sequencing the dead to save the living

    Reviving ancient genomes of long-extinct creatures offers a window into past extinctions—and may help prevent future die outs.

  10. Spying Vision Cells: Eye’s motion detectors are finally found

    Primates, like other mammals, possess specialized retinal cells that detect motion.

  11. Neuroscience

    It’s written all over your face

    To potential mates, your mug may reveal more than you think.

  12. From the October 16, 1937, issue

    Biological prospecting on two remote mesas near the Grand Canyon, a newly described and widespread form of meningitis, and primate fossils from the Crazy Mountains of Montana.
