Search Results for: Geology

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7,733 results
  1. Planetary Science

    New Pluto photos show unprecedented detail

    New images from the New Horizons spacecraft show off Pluto and Charon in unprecedented detail.

  2. Earth

    Don’t flip out: Earth’s magnetic poles aren’t about to switch

    Earth’s waning magnetic field is returning to its long-term average, not heading toward a catastrophic magnetic reversal, new lava analysis suggests.

  3. Astronomy

    Exoplanets need right stuff to be habitable

    The elemental makeup of a star can reveal whether planets in its solar system could support sustained plate tectonics, a requirement for Earth-like life, researchers propose.

  4. Earth

    Gooey rock in mantle thickens 1,000 kilometers down

    Gravitational tugs provide an unprecedented peek into the structure of Earth’s mantle and reveal a sudden increase in viscosity roughly 1,000 kilometers below ground.

  5. Climate

    Next icy era may be on hold

    Carbon emissions from humans may have postponed Earth’s next glaciation, new research suggests.

  6. Planetary Science

    Map of Ceres’ surface shows surprises

    Clusters of craters on Ceres and smooth landscapes hint at an unusual past for the dwarf planet.

  7. Paleontology

    Vampire microbes sucked some ancient life dry

    Hole-ridden fossils suggest that vampirelike microbes were among the first predators that targeted eukaryotes.

  8. Earth

    Asteroids boiled young Earth’s oceans, remnant rocks suggest

    Giant asteroid impacts may have boiled Earth’s oceans around 3.3 billion years ago, snuffing out near-surface life.

  9. Earth

    Another strong quake strikes Nepal

    A magnitude 7.3 earthquake hit eastern Nepal on May 12, just 17 days after one that killed more than 8,000 people in the region.

  10. Earth

    Five things science can (and can’t) tell us about North Korea’s nuclear test

    North Korea’s claim about its recent nuclear bomb test isn’t entirely backed up by scientific evidence.

  11. Planetary Science

    Pluto’s icy landscape comes into view

    The New Horizons flyby reveals varied terrain and evidence of active geology on Pluto.

  12. Planetary Science

    Explore an asteroid with ‘Vesta Trek’

    Vesta Trek lets users explore the asteroid Vesta with data from the Dawn spacecraft.
