Search Results for: mars mission

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1,004 results
  1. Earth

    Space Rocks’ Demo Job: Asteroids, not comets, pummeled early Earth

    An analysis of trace elements found in a variety of meteorites suggests that most of the heavenly objects that rained hell on the inner solar system about 3.9 billion years ago were asteroids, not comets.

  2. Tech

    Designing planet rovers that tumble

    Before the decade is out, towering wind-driven balloons may roam the Martian surface, traveling far more extensively than wheeled rovers do.

  3. Astronomy

    Probe’s comet encounter yields close-ups

    A crippled NASA probe successfully navigated close enough to Comet Borrelly to capture and beam home black-and-white and infared images of its nucleus and new data about ions and other particles that radiate from it.

  4. Astronomy

    Planet Formation on the Fast Track

    New computer simulations suggest that planets as massive as Jupiter may have formed in only a few hundred years rather than several million years, as the leading theory of planet formation requires.

  5. Earth

    Ocean View

    Ocean observatories have revealed unexpected discoveries, and now scientists want to widen the lens.

  6. Earth

    Water for the Rock

    A long-popular theory about how Earth got wet—that the oceans are puddles left by an ancient rain of comets—doesn't seem to hold water, and new hypotheses suggest that the celestial pantry is now empty of a key ingredient in the recipe for Earth.

  7. Humans

    Biomedicine, defense to sidestep budget ax

    President Bush's first budget request would boost funding for biomedical and military research but trim federal outlays for other areas of science and technology.

  8. Tech

    Hop . . . Hop . . . Hopbots!

    Two prototype jumping robots that hop, crash-and-land, and then hop again are demonstrating a novel mobility concept that may finally enable small, cheap robots to roam widely over rough terrain.

  9. NASA Loses Mars Climate Orbiter

  10. Polar Lander’s Silence Deals NASA a Setback

  11. Chemistry

    Cosmic Chemistry Gets Creative

    By simulating extraterrestrial impacts on Earth, researchers are firing away at the question of how life started.

  12. Math Error Equals Loss of Mars Orbiter
