Search Results for: Robotics

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1,529 results
  1. Math

    Bumblebees navigate new turf without a map

    The insects can quickly calculate the best route between flowers.

  2. Tech

    Tiny muscles pull a big punch

    Coated carbon nanotubes form the basis of this smart new material.

  3. Humans

    Students bring home big prizes for science projects

    The 2013 Intel Science Talent Search awards teens for research.

  4. Humans

    Students honored for research

    The 40 finalists in this year’s Intel Science Talent Search received a total of $630,000 in awards for their research. The top 10 received $20,000 or more.

  5. Planetary Science

    Curiosity readies for dramatic entrance

    NASA’s new Mars rover aims to alight on the Red Planet like a pop star being lowered onto stage.

  6. Humans

    The man behind Sarcastic Rover

    NASA’s newest rover, Curiosity, wasn’t alone on Mars for long.

  7. Science Future for June 16, 2012

    June 25–29 Check out summer camps on space, flight and more at the Center of Science and Industry in Columbus, Ohio. More dates listed at June 25–August 13 Headfirst’s Imagination Science camps in the D.C. area cover rockets, crime scenes and robots. See July 2–6 “The Zoo and You” camp at Santa Ana […]

  8. Oceans

    Director’s exploration of the abyss goes deeper than Hollywood glitz

  9. Tech

    Robot based on cartwheeling caterpillars

    GoQBot curls itself up and takes off spinning.

  10. Humans

    So long Weekly Reader . . .

    I read with sadness this week that Weekly Reader is about to disappear. As much as I’ll miss the idea of the venerable Weekly Reader living on, I also have to admit to a bit of a love/hate relationship with it. This conflict developed shortly after I joined the staff here. As soon as I identified my affiliation, people frequently asked: “Science News — hmmm: Isn’t that the Weekly Reader of science?”

  11. Life

    Measuring the leap of a lizard

    Creatures use their tails to balance during complex maneuvers.

  12. Tech

    Software Scientist

    With a little data, Eureqa generates fundamental laws of nature.
