Search Results for: mars mission

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1,004 results
  1. Astronomy

    No signal from Mars Polar Lander

    A radio signal that NASA hoped came from the vanished Mars Polar Lander has a terrestrial origin, scientists from the space agency and Stanford University have concluded.

  2. Computing

    Calculating Swarms

    Ant teamwork suggests models for computing faster and organizing better.

  3. Tech

    Bugs on Mars

    Undaunted by the hurdles on flight posed by thin air and a lack of oxygen, aerospace engineers are devising extraordinary flying machines resembling giant insects and windmills to make the exploration of Mars more rapid and effective.

  4. Chemistry

    Space Invaders

    Recent astronomical observations and sophisticated lab experiments portray space as a breeding ground for complex organic molecules, the likes of which may have jump-started life on Earth.

  5. Astronomy

    Dark Doings

    A slew of new and proposed experiments, ranging from the cosmic to the subatomic scale, may shed light on why the expansion of the universe is speeding up.

  6. Planetary Science

    Martian leaks: Hints of present-day water

    In some of the coldest regions on Mars, water appears to have recently gushed from just beneath the surface, running down crater walls and steep valleys.

  7. Humans

    Jonathan Eberhart (1942–2003)

    After chronicling space science and exploration for 3 decades on behalf of Science News, Jonathan Eberhart died last week from complications of multiple sclerosis.

  8. Planetary Science

    Forgotten Planet

    Mercury: The solar system's inner frontier.

  9. Planetary Science

    Odyssey’s Homer: Hints of water near both poles of Mars

    Sensors on board the Mars Odyssey spacecraft have spied strong signs of ice buried near both poles of the Red Planet, exactly the regions where scientists previously had said that such frozen water deposits could exist.

  10. Planetary Science

    Exploring the Red Planet

    Searching for signs of subsurface water on the Red Planet and analyzing the elemental and mineral composition of surface rock, NASA's Mars Odyssey spacecraft begins its main mapping mission next month and may shed light on several enduring puzzles about the planet.

  11. Planetary Science

    Odyssey’s First Look: Craft spies signs of ice at the Martian south pole

    Astronomers have for the first time found evidence of large amounts of frozen water in the subsurface of Mars.

  12. Tech

    Ribbon to the Stars

    Advances in one of the tiniest of technologies—carbon nanotubes—is bringing the concept of a space elevator closer to reality.
